Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 12:10 AM

The 'Big Change' at the tip, continues to be the consciousness of President 
Obama, and Mrs. Obama...
They are bringing the 'State Ships' direction, 
One hundred and seventy-nine Degrees, to what it has been, in recent times..
Let me explain: (I never meant to cause you sorrow and pain).
Firstly, he is bringing attention to the plight of the folks who are hurting.
Now, I know that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bush and Son of a Bush;
These folks too, had their own hurts and ambitions.
Nixon wanted to prove that he could be a good 'Chinese' guy too,
Wanted to sort of be 'like Mao'...
Reagan taught us how to sell your soul, be as greedy as possible, and how 
to 'Act'...(you were with him or against him, and being against him,
Was considered, 'UnAmerican!...sound familiar)?
Father Bush, wanted to prove that he could wage a 'Good War'.
Son of a Bush, wanted to prove that he could be more of a 'War-Monger, than his 
In the meantime, they distracted us, by pimping us out to the corporations.
They taught us to shop of hearts and soul's out, and that you could buy 
salvation and peace.
These are the lies they taught, our children, and ourselves.
We lost our hero's of the sixties, so we were ripe for cynicism...
They taught us to lie to ourselves, and be deluded.
Thank God, for a man, as brave and self-aware as President Obama and his wife.
Thank God, for some of the  brave journalists who are and have stepped forth to 
bring some truth.
Thank God, that the 'False' is being replaced by the 'Real'.
And incompetence is being rendered dead, in the new face of confindence.
President Obama, will grow into the job, like Lincoln,
And he will attract some more competent people...
He is open-minded.
The new paradigm is the President Obama's body language, his openness to new 
His inclusion, his good heart and pure soul.
He is a wonderful teacher/president/leader of our people.
When we get back to the basics of Christ's teachings...
Taking care of the poor and the wounded: 
Bodies, Minds and Spirits...
Then we get will be with: 'Peace Within', 
Which we are all seeking, ultimately.
'Death be not proud, 'No one here, get's out alive.
And, btw,  'God Bless You, President Ford and Betty, also.
Robert Gimbel  Madison, WI


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