On Feb 20, 2009, at 12:09 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 6:16 PM, ruthsimplicity wrote:

> > Doesn't MMY need to be enlightened under TM theory? How else could he
> > rediscover what he claimed were lost mediation techniques?
> I think it's understood by most reasonable and objective folks who've
> done a little lookin', that "TM is nothing new under the sun", it's
> not something he's "restored", in fact it's a ubiquitous form of basic
> meditation.

You could be right, I don't know enough about the history of meditation to know, but all I am saying is that isn't the TMO's claim. The claim is rediscovery, including of the meaning of the Vedas. I think that would require enlightenment under their theory.

Yeah MMY claimed to have cognized a new text which he called the Apaurusheya Bhasya of Rig Veda. "Purusha" means "man", A-purusha, means "not by a man", "bhasya" means commentary; so MMY has claimed to have found the divine, of non-human origin, commentary on the Rig Veda. Actually he claimed to be working on it just before he died, still many years having "discovered it". It's probably more likely his spin from hanging with various Rig Veda and other pundits. In other words, it's his repackaging that he was still hobbling together. Tony Nader's 'human physiology and the Veda'--and more recently the Ramayana--seem to be offshoots of people close to MMY who were trying to spin a similar spiel to be able to get big attention from MMY.

One things for certain, no legitimate Vedic scholar that I'm aware of takes it seriously. I seriously doubt we'll ever see anything in print. Yet movement TB's casually will claim that MMY is a great (or THE greatest) Vedic scholar. Funny, no one else seemed to notice.

Even if it did pan out, it would be a hallmark in Indian philosophical revisionism, as MMY consistently has tried to tie older, pre-Vedic writings to the Vedas. This would most likely appeal to Brahmins, caste system advocates and right-wing religious zealots, as it's a history essentially re-written for them: the Vedic supremacists. During the web seminar I've contacted Meera Nanda, an expert in pseudo-Vedic teachings and I'm sure she'd love to answer any pointed questions on this topic. Esp. since she considers the TM org a or the primary promoter of Vedic pseudo- history and science.

> > And
> > rediscover and correct Ayurveda? Or, as the TMO says in information I
> > was reading recently: for the total significance of its
> > theory and practice, and organized it in the form of a complete
> > science of consciousness. Maharishi's Vedic Science includes the
> > restoration of the ancient Vedic system of health care, which offers a > > science and technology for unfolding perfection in life, using methods
> > that are completely free from harmful side effects."
> This is particularly incorrect in regards to Ayurveda, which he
> diluted, although he did help popularize it. Dr. Pete tells an
> interesting story of a Vaidya or scholar that came and gave a lecture
> on Ayurveda at MIU IIRC and later when the tapes were made, they
> edited out so much of what the speakers lecture said that didn't jive
> with official movement "think" that it no longer even resembled what
> the guy was actually saying!

Interesting. I don't see how MMY could have any significant background on Ayurveda. I doubt his background on the Vedas too. The claim that ""Maharishi completely restored the thousands of years-old scattered Vedic Literature . . ." is more than a bit much.

He's claiming to have unraveled the underlying code for all the 40 some systems of "Vedic" sciences, as contained within the Rig Veda. IOW, Rig Veda is the seed text for the unfoldment of all these other Vedic "sciences". Yet strangely, he relies on others he pays to come consult with him for this supposedly inspired or re-revealed knowledge.

And of course no one I know has ever seen this alleged divinely inspired text, although it was used as a carrot for years (decades actually).

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