>> Ginsberg sniffed it out early on.  It took most of us
>> longer.
>> Maharishi was not cool.  Simple as that.
> Maharishi was transcendentally cool, very cool indeed that way.

------As a world figure, if the world hadn't coughed up its sleve at that 
moment, Maharishi came out with his political emphasis at the end of his 
days. I would call it somewhat misguided. Especially regarding democracy 
which simply must go on.  But he dichotomized industrialization and satan 
with the West and placid nature and goodness with the East.  He cared to 
preserve Eastern tradition so as to preserve nature and peace of mind. I 
cannot blame him for that.

I think he didn't care for beurocracy except for it to trap itself. He 
allowed himself to not one moment of his life succumb to worldly courts or 
judgement. Or the judgements of anyone including all the advice of his 
movement inner circle. he kept them humble and without the full picture.

I am sure really somewhere, maybe in the heart of a Varma the entire 
scenario glows like a Bollywood billboard, something like "Maharishi and 
Varms clan restablish all Bharat as home of Eternal Dharma" and they charge 
really big Western bucks for their services which the more they take over 
small villages may grow until they get some world respect.  You see he saw 
the market for pundit services world wide, and how they couldn't do much 
harm really. He made Veda a word known to many which itself is dharmic to 
his mind because it got Indians also to respect themselves.

Because he left it in Krishna's hands. As he finally said, 'nature will 
always balance adharma with dharma.' He knew he left much incomplete, and 
that the real future of TMO was in the East for easterner, who could in fact 
follow the ashtangayogapatanjali. 

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