I'm a big fan of Danny Boyle's films from Trainspotting on and 
especially his sci-fi stuff like "28 Days Later" and "Sunshine."   But 
that's not necessarily the reason I think that Slumdog won.  If anything 
Slumdog sends a big message to Hollywood.  The reason Slum Dog 
Millionaire won was because it was an ORIGINAL film.  It was NOT some 
contrived movie engineered and designed by Hollywood to lure the 
lemmings to the local multiplex on the weekend. 

Hollywood, we are tired of your crap.  The no talent bean counters of 
Hollywood herd the film production crews to make dumb films often a far 
departure from the original concept just to pad their bottom line.  
There's nothing wrong with making money and Slumdog will make a bundle.  
But I would be the producers weren't hounded by the studio to "change 
this" and "do that."  And Boyle having a track record probably could 
blow them off if they did.

I also think about the independent film "Frozen River" which was up for 
two awards, best original screenplay and best actress.  It is AMAZING it 
got that far but it too is an ORIGINAL and great film.  Rent it as it is 
available now on DVD and Blu-Ray.

I don't watch the Oscars.  I can't stand the pompous pseudo aristocratic 
atmosphere of it.   If the Oscars want any kind of audience maybe they 
ought to just make it a comedy show and spoof the whole thing.  But that 
would lose the audience who faithfully tunes in the show yearly: those 
women who religiously read those "star"gossip rags you find at the 
grocery checkout.

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