All he wanted to do was sit on Daddy's lap and get his hair smoothed.

feste37 wrote:
> Poor little whiner, determined to be a victim. 
Duveyoung wrote:
> > When I was poor and wanting to still be able to do program in the
> > domes, I had to ask them to let me in for free or at least give me a
> > discount on the dome fee.
> > 
> > You'd think that the TMO was scoring a point for having a process for
> > folks like me that involved getting some personal information and then
> > deciding if the candidate warranted help.
> > 
> > Seems straightforward and Christian of the TMO, eh?
> > 
> > But here's how it worked out in real life:
> > 
> > 1.  You stand in line forever to get to the person at the main table.
> > 
> > 2.  You ask, softly and discreetly because you're embarrassed to have
> > to ask, about the chance of getting a free badge.
> > 
> > 3.  The person at the table speaks loudly:  "Oh, if you cannot afford
> > the fee go to that table over there."
> > 
> > 4.  Everyone in the room looks to see who's being sent to the shudra
> > table.
> > 
> > 5.  You go over to that table and they grill ya about if you've asked
> > all your relatives etc. for help in paying the dome fee, whether you
> > might be getting money in the future and would you then pay back the
> > discounting's difference, whether you're active in the local center,
> > etc.  Yes, that really is what they did to me.  
> > 
> > 6.  Anyone in the room could hear my conversation with the person at
> > the shudra table.  
> > 
> > See why I stopped asking for help?  
> > 
> > In a cult where even an extra dollar a year income could notch you a
> > step higher in the cult's esteem, I was unable to endure the misery of
> > begging to be with God's Holy Crew.  Pride -- in this instance -- was
> > my best friend, because, my pride wouldn't let me put myself in the
> > power of these vicious bastards again.  
> > 
> > I think that being force to beg in public was my tipping point -- from
> > that time onwards, my first interpretation of anything the TMO was
> > doing was to think that some small minded unenlightened bureaucrat was
> > plying a vile intent.
> > 
> > Edg
> > 
> >

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