My rant towards Edg was based on his extreme victim mentality. I'm not denying, 
minimizing or dismissing the behavior of the TMO. I certainly know exactly what 
he is talking about. But to present this badge begging scenario as if he was so 
wronged and humiliated places all power with the TMO and none with him. If 
someone is abusing you, until you decide to change your behavior in 
relationship to them, they will continue to abuse you. Sal, I respect your 
posts a lot, so please let me know why you think my and other's post pointing 
out Edg's victim mentality are heavy handed. I thought my slave analogy 
expressed the interpersonal dynamic quite well.

--- On Tue, 2/24/09, Sal Sunshine <> wrote:
From: Sal Sunshine <>
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Shudra shunning at MUM was my tipping point  (Re: 
Vaj the honest and forthright)
Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 12:02 AM


On Feb 23, 2009, at 10:54 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
Edg, for the life of me, I can't figure out why everyone is busting 
your chops on this.  I can relate to this story at face value.  
Makes sense to me.  Who wants to be humiliated, or shamed, even in a 
small way.  But nooooo, there's got to be "slave" issues, 
or "whiner" issues.  Let me throw this arm chair psychology back on 
them.  You've got Peter, Feste, and Richard coming after you. How 
many kids do they have between them.  Could it be.............0.  
How many kids do WE have between us.  Like 7.  These other guys 
don't have the foggiest about what it's like to take on the 
responsibilites of something like this. Let's see how they fare in 
this regard.  Probably be weeping like little school girls.  Ya, we 
know what a real man is.  Hell yea we do!
Right on, lurk...I thought the slave stuff was a bit much myself.  The TMO was 
good at humiliating people...Edg's response was IMOtotally warranted.



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