--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutp...@...> wrote:
> You all should worship at the lotus feet of Sri Vaj because he is
> squeezing-out the last of your samskaras and is actually your Sat
> >>>

Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were
tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great
lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed
passage with you? (Walt Whitman, 1819-1892 American Poet)

Most of the time your friend agrees with you and supports you - so it is
not hard to love him. But your opponent disagrees with you; he believes
that you are wrong; he sees your weaknesses and would do his best to
exploit them. If you have a blind spot, you can be sure he sees it. To
put it simply, your enemy is not willing to give you the benefit of the
doubt - he is, therefore, your very best teacher. Your enemy reflects
back to you everything that you do not like about yourself. He shows you
exactly where your fears and insecurities lie. If you listen to what
your enemy is saying to you, you will know exactly where you must make
corrections in yourself. Only one who opposes you thus can be such an
effective teacher.

Why do I say 'love' your enemy. I say love your enemy because if you do
not love him you won't value the gift he brings to you. No one can go
through life without both allies and opponents. A good ally is willing
to oppose you. And a good opponent is the very best ally. When you learn
to love your enemy, you demonstrate your willingness to look at all of
the dark places within your mind. Your enemy is simply a mirror into
which you look until gradually the angry face that you see smiles back
at you. To make peace with your enemies, you must learn to see through
their eyes, as well as through your own. Then you will develop
compassion and move beyond conflict. Remember, you do not have to agree
with your enemy to make peace with them. (The Christ Mind through Paul
Ferrini) <http://www.paulferrini.com/>

In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. (Dalai
Lama, 1935 Tibet Religious Leader Resides In India)

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