--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
<snip to>
> But what was much more revealing to me was the account of his 
> driver. As he was describing Hitler's last hours, he was 
> speaking about the terrible loss and bereavement that he 
> experienced -- and there was something heartbreaking about his 
> devotion to Hitler. I'm serious: I completely identified with 
> his intense emotions. I was only familiar with such powerful 
> emotions in relationship to God or to one's Guru -- but here 
> was a person who was relating to Hitler in this way, and was  
> still lamenting his death so many years later, knowing all that 
> he had done!
> I later on saw a BBC 6-hr documentary program on the rise of 
> Nazism. They interviewed a person who worked with him closely 
> at one point. And that person spoke about Hitler with the same 
> passion that one speaks of one's Guru. He described his experience 
> of interacting with Hitler -- there's no other way to describe it, 
> except a spiritual experience -- and said, in this regard: "I saw 
> this side of Hitler, Hitler's most beautiful side; and no one can 
> take it away from me. That is the Hitler I know and cherish".
> Why am I saying all this? Because that was the first time I 
> understood how Hitler could have done what he had done. People 
> who came in contact with him had a spiritual experience, and you 
> know how such a profound experience often makes you surrender 
> your discriminating ability. And you can even do atrocities.

I will jump on this not to dump on Maharishi 
but because I almost jumped on similar naivete
in emptybill's earlier post on this same phen-
omenon. emptybill seems not to understand the
difference between shakti (the intentional 
manipulation of energy to attract attention and
manipulate consciousness) and the actual quiet
charisma one associates with enlightenment. This 
writer seems not to understand it, either.

Many have written here about their experiences
of "being around Maharishi." I am often at a 
loss when they do this because I was "around
Maharishi" a lot, and never felt much of anything
except cheap flash.

However, I *did* feel things around other 
spiritual teachers, and I was around enough
of them to realize that the things I felt fell
into two separate and distinctly different cat-
egories. The first was cheap shakti -- the
person using energy to dazzle and distract his
or her followers and *make* them feel something,
that the teacher knew they would then interpret
as "spiritual." The other was people who had
honest, unintentional charisma -- something that
came from the "inside out," with no volition or
intention involved. They just radiated what they

It is my opinion that the latter may be classed
as a "spiritual experience," but that the former
is merely an occult experience. The reasons that
so many people interpret cheap shakti as a 
"spiritual experience" are -- 1) naivete -- they
know so little about the different kinds of pot-
ential energetic experiences that they interpret
shakti as something it is not, 2) emotion -- the
people who interpret shakti as spiritual are
deeply in *need* of some emotional Jones, some-
thing that "gets them off" emotionally, because
that is what they think a "spiritual experience"
is, and 3) lack of experience.

It's the last one that makes people prey to cheap
flash. If they've never really encountered the
*difference* between quiet, non-flashy charisma
and cheap shakti, they are going to interpret the
latter as "spiritual."

My advice to TMers is to GET OUT MORE.

One of the reasons why Maharishi made seeing other
teachers Off The Program and a "banishable offence"
in my opinion is that he *didn't want his students
experiencing what it was like to sit with teachers
who didn't have to resort to cheap shakti*. If 
they had, they would have known his "energy" for
what it was.

All of this is just opinion on my part, but it is
at least *informed* experience, the result of having
seen and sat and meditated with MANY spiritual
teachers. If you've only sat with one, or only one
or two, you really have nothing to say to counter
it -- you just don't have the breadth of experience
with which to do so. 


See what's out there in the spiritual smorgasbord.
Analyze *not only* how it feels to be in the presence
of the teacher *while that experience is going on*,
but what it feels like *afterwards*. 

Do you long to be in their presence again, as if not
being there is a "lack" of some kind, a "need" that
needs to be filled? Do you feel a "comedown" between
sitting with them and not sitting with them? Did 
you feel "emotional highs" in the presence of the
teacher that you are not feeling now that you are
not with them, and that you miss?

If the answers to these questions are Yes, then what
you are dealing with is an occultist, someone who
beamed cheap, intentional shakti at you. 

You are NOT dealing with the quiet, charismatic 
energy of enlightenment.

Just my opinion...

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