The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

GWB and his cronies were wonderful. Working out (almost) the last of
our dirty shit karma -- and soon the sun will shine. Well -- after the
impending crash and all. 

> The Republicans broke some records this time with examples like the
> multi-billion dollar Enron criminal operation, the far reaching Tom
> Delay and Abramoff fun times and the fallout from that and other
> scandals, but not to forget the 'accomplishments' of the Bush
> administration with Iraq, Katrina, the environment, science, the US
> Constitution, the rule of law, the open door to the Christian Right
> wackos, overt homophobic bigotry, the politicizing of the DOJ and
> almost every agency of government, the imposed Christianization of the
> military by the loonies, the billions of dollars thrown away in
> corrupt no bid recontruction Iraq contracts ..........  My God, I
> could fill a page. 
> But the biggest damaging thing they did was to virtually eliminate any
> fiscally sound, responsible oversight over their cohort sponsors in
> the Corporate financial operations of America's economic machine. And
> they indeed did leave us with the global economic crisis we face today.

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