On Mar 2, 2009, at 12:55 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Actually 300 million Americans got us into this mess in the
first place, we all lived way beyond our means since 1980.
We all borrowed too much, too much debt...

Speak for yourself.

I lived in the U.S. until 2002. I had zero debt.
I still have zero debt.

Don't project your own "out-of-control housewife
with a credit card" approach to living onto others
unless you're sure it applies.

One of the reasons I *left* the U.S. is that I saw
all this coming. It's the result of a government
*and* a people who lived the way you described.
If you're one of them, include yourself in your
"300 million Americans" figure, but leave me out.
I resent being put in the same category as idiots.

Hear, hear, Barry.
You nailed it--this is Projection City here...
Apparently BB spent like a drunken sailor,
with no thought for the future, so she wants
to convince herself "everyone else" did as
well.  I guess it's just one more way of not
taking responsibility.

But plenty of others didn't.


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