Notes below:

--- In, "Hugo" <richardhughes...@...>
> --- In, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Hugo" <richardhughes103@>
> > > Apocalypse narrowly averted, yet again.
> > >
> > > I love it when these flyby's occur, it makes my policy
> > > of living for the day seem very wise indeed. Because one of
> > > these days something like this is going to hit, and possibly
> > > even hit a major population centre. And it'll put a few human
> > > problems nicely into perspective I should think.
> >
> >
> > Apocalypse?  It takes a much bigger rock hitting us for an
extinction level event.
> I didn't say extinction level event. If you're anywhere near 
something that explodes with the force of 1000 atom bombs it's an
apocalypse. Trust me.

Oh, okay, have it your way.
> > This rock was spotted way too late for anything to be done, yet
there will be no funding to set up a better "watch the skies for rocks"
program than the modest one we have now which spots, say, about 80% of
the near Earth objects out there.
> > If things happen in threes, urp, eh?
> >
> > I think you were just tossing off your post so I won't hold your
feet to the fire about it
> Gee thanks!

Don't mention it.

> > but, frankly, I don't need another disaster to get me clear about
> > priorities.  30,000 children die every day from shit flavored
> > water -- no headlines.  But have a tiny space rock hit a small
school and kill 30 kids, and ya gets headlines for days, all the parents
interviewed, etc.
> I guess because it's out of the ordinary whereas people starving etc
is old news, which doesn't sell. Doesn't mean we ignore it mind you,
> billions is spent on overseas aid y'know. Never enough.

Here, I gotta hold your feet to the fire if you're saying that the world
isn't ignoring the plight of the downtrodden, or, if you believe that
most of the money is spent on food etc. and is getting into the hands of
the needy without there being a big payoff to some "guy in charge." 
Payoff means "most of the money."

Again and again, I read that a mere billion or so would be all it took
to get clean water to virtually everyone on Earth, and that that would
end most of the 30,000 deaths per day.  Yet, what is money if an evil
dictator will not let you give aide to the masses?  What is money given
compared to "nothing done to unseat the bastard?"

It won't be money that saves the masses, so any bragging about all the
charity of the haves who care SOOOOO MUCH for the have-nots is mere
self-serving rationalization.  Nothing short of a world wide
renunciation of marauding backed up by economic and military threats can
even hope to dent the problem  Look at Iran defying the whole world
despite all the powers ranged against them?

There's this 300 vehicles line of aid that is driving across Europe to
get to the Gaza victims -- that seems to be working -- but unless Obama
smacks Israel a good one across the head, when will the Gaza folks be
safe?  The 300 vehicles will disgorge some flour and medicine, and then
Israel could bomb that warehouse the next day.

Here's what it would take: it would take the cultures of the world
grabbing everyone by the nape of the neck and shaking them until they
got it that they are doing evil in small ways that gradually allowed
great evil to walk the Earth.

For instance:  I see no solution for the world's ills if Judy and Turq
are still hacking at each other.  There's your basic unit of evil --
some small shit that keeps everyone pissed off and finally it amounts to
a psychic pressure on the culture that ends up with some  leader who
says "Hey let's bomb someone and get their oil."  And everyone goes for

Judy and Turq -- does ya agree?  How much angst have you folks added to
the world with your diatribes?  How much have you harmed the minds here
by such foul modeling of petty revenges?  If the likes of you two cannot
be "solved," what chance have we of solving "a Bevin?"

Oh, don't bother reminding me of my sins here that equal your own.  I
know. I know.


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