> > Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Here's what I'd love to read from you:  your
> > autobiography

"authfriend" wrote:
> I'm flattered by your apparent interest in the
> details of my life, but rather than my taking the
> time to write an autobiography when I've already
> given so many of those details here, I'd suggest
> that since you seem to have some specific burning
> unanswered questions, you just ask me straight
> out.
> Not guaranteeing I'll respond, mind you, but it's
> worth a try.

> I'm fortunate that I don't have to deal with anybody
> in my daily life who demonstrates the qualities in
> Barry that I "contend with" here. He's unique in my
> experience.


I'm interested in all the folks here, and my interest goes beyond mere
"getting an outline of a personality" in that I'm a
no-'count-psychological pack-rat who loves just downloading everything. 
It's a major flaw, but I count myself lucky that I don't have my house
filled with old newspapers etc.  So any data at all is databased by me,
but what I do with the info is:  "hardly nuttin'."

If I was handed a true autobiography of anyone on the planet, it would
be first for me.  I've never met a person who would not spin an image
rather than pull off the band-aides and show the scars, hickies, and
oozing sores of  which humanness is heir.

GAWD, I certainly wouldn't write an honest autobiography.

So asking for honesty from a person becomes an exercise in agreeing to
only get/give so much insight into another lest it rapidly devolve into
"too much info."

So, touche', you've whacked the ball back at me and I'm not sure I can
return the shot.

I dare not suggest you answer the questions I created for newbies, eh? 

Let's start with an easy question, and then I'll send more if I don't
insult your sense of privacy.

How's 'bout:  What did/do you do for a living?

That's as mundane and as common a question as it gets, eh?  It's a "man
question," so forgive my chauvenism please.  I'm supposing that you've
revealed your work history already somewhere, but how to find it with
Yahoo's search engine?

I'm retired and have a steady income from investments and equity in
ongoing businesses largely run by my son, Lyric.  I've been in the toy
industry, am a licensed commodities trader, taught TM,  worked at all
levels in the restaurant industry (parents owned restaurants all my
life,) was a school teacher, did import-export, did a 900 line, drove a
taxi, wrote infomercials, drove a hi-low for an aluminum injection mold
factory, worked on the assembly lines of Chrysler, ran a printing press,
worked for USA Global Link (did their Web site,) sold pianos, did phone
collections (yuck,) sold land in New Mexico to military officers in
Georgia, made some money selling a few odd and ends things I wrote,
worked for Ritam Toy Company for a couple years, had a Detroit News
paper route with 150 customers at age 12 (brutal,)  used to get a nickle
from my mother for making the pop cooler neat at age five, sold
magazines door to door at age 14, sold some artworks in San Francisco
galleries, and then there's my many Internet endeavors.  Almost all
these jobs paid very very little, and I never was financially
comfortable until age 56 when a couple things panned out and upped my
lifestyle a significant notch.



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