Share International magazine March 2009
  [Share International magazine] 
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Through these electronic files, the magazine Share International makes
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The magazine is published monthly, except bimonthly in January/February
and July/August of each year.

Permission is granted to reproduce these articles in magazine, newspaper
or newsletter format, provided that credit is given to Share
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Q. The 'star' that can now be seen in several places around Norway,
seems to get brighter and brighter all the time. Lately it has also been
seen during the daytime. What then is its purpose?

A. It is a 'sign' to herald the emergence of Maitreya into His public

Q. (1) Will the star be visible during the day when the sky is overcast?
(2) Has anyone seen it during the day? (3) Where in the sky should we
look if we are in New Zealand?

A. (1) It depends on the thickness of the cloud cover. (2) Yes. We have
reports from Norway, the USA and South Korea that the star is often
visible during the day. I have no doubt this is repeated elsewhere. (3)
In the west.

Q. Was Maitreya present at all the marches for peace in Gaza around the
world in January 2009?

A. No, He was present at three marches.

Q. A lot of people are saying that the new President Barack Obama, is
Maitreya. Some question and answer sessions with Benjamin Creme infer
Maitreya and Obama are two different people but that Obama may be
especially open to Maitreya's ideals. Yet the most recent press releases
advertising the emergence of Maitreya, his public talks about the
economy and world ills sure tie in neatly with the emergence of the new
President who is also talking about these same things. It is very easy
to see why Obama is being seen as Maitreya by some people.

Could you comment please: (1) is Obama actually Maitreya ? Or (2) just
inspired by Maitreya ?

A. (1) No, Mr Obama is absolutely not Maitreya.

(2) I doubt that Mr Obama has ever heard of Maitreya. He may well be
inspired by the ideas which have emanated from Maitreya over the years.
These have been articulated by Share International for many years and
are now being repeated by more and more people as the economic crash,
predicted by Maitreya long ago, becomes a reality. Maitreya has waited
until now to come forward openly because only now has the impending
crash come to fruition, thus bringing many people – one of them,
hopefully, Mr Obama – to see the reality of the need to change

Q. I am very grateful for the knowledge and wisdom Share International
puts at the disposal of the public. I appreciate it very much.

I have a question about the new President of the United States of
America. He shares almost all the principles Maitreya is teaching. He
seems to be not an ordinary person.

(1) Is he one of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy which will
accompany Maitreya in his Mission? Or (2) Is he a channel Maitreya uses
to fulfil His mission? He is leading the world in a new direction:
sharing, co-operation, peace. Please tell me something about him.

A. (1) At the moment there are 14 Masters in the world with Maitreya;
eventually there will be around 40 Masters in the world. Mr Obama is not
one of them. Nor is any man you are likely to know or have heard of.

(2) Nor is he a 'channel' used by Maitreya for His mission. Mr Obama is
unusual at this time in American politics: the first African American
for a start; he seems to have ideals closer to the real needs of the
people of America and the world in general; he seems to be ready to
listen to the ideas of other nations and to be less involved in creating
'the American Empire', in short, a breath of fresh air in international
politics. This is very important because the USA is so influential –
for good or for ill – in the world. The questioner mentions sharing
as one of his ideals but I have yet to hear him mention the word. That
will be a major test, and the American people's, of his ability to
respond to the basic tenet of Maitreya's teaching and advice. Without
sharing there will never be justice. Without justice there will never be
peace. Sharing is the key to the future for humanity.

Q. Lord Maitreya admonishes us to share – and I want to share by
giving (or tithing) to bona fide charitable organizations. Yesterday
alone I received mail from eight charitable organizations seeking
donations. I wish to give, and when I do, most likely they sell my name
and then I am inundated with even more such mail. These places must have
fairly big operating budgets if they can afford such mass mailings.

People are dying of hunger every day, where the umbrella of no big
charitable organization can reach them. Can Share International publish
the names of viable, trustworthy groups who really are trying to feed
the poor and shelter the homeless anywhere in the world, but who don't
have the funds for mass mailings? I'm sure many readers would benefit
from this information.

A. Maitreya is talking about the global sharing among all the nations
but, of course, this can only happen when the majority of individual
people see the necessity and want to share. There are many bona fide aid
agencies in the world, both independent and allied to the United Nations
who do wonderful selfless work in helping the impoverished majority.
Many people are rightly concerned that their aid actually reaches those
in need but nothing is perfect and there is much corruption in the
governments of the countries often in most need. Corruption is worldwide
in the rich and poor alike. So the UN aid agencies, Oxfam, Christian
Aid; Medecins Sans Frontiers; Save the Children etc, etc, will all do
their best.

Q. Is it possible to believe that humanity, in a short span of time,
will create world and universal peace? That we will stop producing arms
… can we hope to see this day, shortly?

A. There is certainly a very large decision to be made by humanity when
we are faced with it, and there are many reactionary forces in the world
resistant to change. War and the production of armaments is a very
lucrative business for some people who will resist change to the last.
The present world economic collapse (presented as a 'downturn' or
'recession') is in fact the signs of the end of the old order, and is
already bringing about a change in attitude among many people, young and
old. When these same people hear Maitreya speak of the need to simplify
and share resources to attain peace through justice, they will respond
willingly to His call. His teaching and advocacy will inspire a huge
response of desire for sharing, justice and thus peace. It is up to
ourselves, we have to want peace enough to relinquish the past and work
for the one humanity. I am sure we shall do so.

Q. When it comes to helping Maitreya to fulfil his mission, which would
include all religions, what about those that have a guru? When someone
is following another Master or Guru how can this be combined?

A. Maitreya is not a religious teacher. He is essentially a Spiritual
Teacher including a concern about the political and economic and social
needs of the world. He is the World Teacher, for all people, religious
or not. Most people tend to see the religious path as the only spiritual
path. It is only one of many paths to the experience of God. We have so
enshrouded politics and economics in a deep materialism that we have
landed ourselves in the critical conditions of today. We must have
spiritual politics and economics through sharing, justice and freedom
for all people. That is the aim of Maitreya. Love is the action of just
sharing. That is the way to peace. No one need even believe in the
reality of Maitreya. It is enough to believe in what He stands for. He
does not want followers or devotees.

Q. You have talked about the role of crop circles and energetic nodes
around the Earth. Is it accurate to say the circles of light phenomenon
is part of this same preparation for the Technology of Light? In other
words, are circles of light urban crop circles?

A. It is true to say that the circles of light phenomenon is part of the
preparation for the Technology of Light. But it is not true to say that
they are urban crop circles. They have a completely different function.

Q. What is that function?

A. If I could tell you what that function is, I would not be sitting
here. I would have the scientists of the world all sitting at my feet
wanting to know what it is. If I did know, there is no way I could
impart it to you. The answer is I do not know. But what I do know is
this: that if we understood the technology that created the circles of
light phenomena we could rid the world of global warming in a very short
space of time.

Q. I fear for the grief I will have to deal with when my sisters or my
parents go to the astral plane. I will miss them terribly. I comfort
myself by saying: "I will see them again when I go there myself."
However, what if they have incarnated back on the physical plane again
before I have had a chance to see them? Will I be doomed to never see
them again? Can you help me with this? Please be compassionate in your

A. Don't despair, we incarnate in groups, changing relationships again
and again. You could be the father of your parents and sisters or in
some other relationship. So don't worry.

Q. You said in one of your books to get "in touch with the soul". How,
practically speaking, do you do this?

A. The age-old way, by meditation and service.

Q. In April 2008 my mother passed away at the Cranbrook hospital in
British Columbia, Canada. While she was in her room my wife and I walked
outside for some air. While we were sitting there, a cross in the sky
formed directly over the hospital. I don't know who else saw this cross
that day but there were no other clouds in the sky. I wish to God that I
had my camera. I would hope if anybody else that day saw this incredible
sight they would verify what we had seen. I truly believe that this was
a sign from God.

A. The cross in the sky was manifested by the Master Jesus.

Q.I read in Share International that we could practice the principle of
sharing in our own business, simply by dividing the profit into equal
parts. I would like to confirm this once more, since I prefer to apply
this principle in my own circle and business. I realized that whatever
individual qualification or contribution had been made, the equal parts
of the profit should be shared. Am I right or not?

A. Absolutely right. Congratulations.

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