So, I wonder how you'd react if your bonus
got deleted or you had to pay it back - you'd
probably be the first one to call a lawyer.

TurquoiseB wrote:
> Me, I don't give a shit about "Whodunnit?"
> in this case. In this case there seems to
> be little question that AIG's lawyers
> *would* have sued the U.S. government
> if the bill had forced it to abrograte its
> contracts with its hideously incapable
> employees. It was a monumental fuckup
> caused by pond scum (corporate lawyers).
> It's just that IMO the public "blame game"
> is the work of petty, vindictive children,
> whether it comes from the right or the
> supposed left. BillyG and Willytex and
> others were using this situation to smear
> Obama and the White House, for their petty,
> vindictive reasons; Judy was using this
> *same* situation to smear Obama and the
> White House, for *her* own petty, vindic-
> tive reasons. What's the difference?
> Me, I'm just using the situation to *point
> out* those petty, vindictive actions, and
> remind people that sometimes the self-
> styled "voice of integrity" on this forum
> has none. Why is there such a difference
> in the language in the first quotes (which
> were posted twice) and the second? Could
> it possibly be an attempt at "spin" to
> "affix blame" where *she* wanted it affixed?

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