--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii...@...> wrote:
> 'Nuclear War Thwarted by Taste of Utopia Course'
> I was surprised to hear Gregg Braden claim, that the Soviet
> Union, during the 1983-1984 period, was considering a '1st
> strike', against the United States...saying that the Soviets
> were afraid the U.S. was considering retailiation over a
> passenger jet, which was shot down over Soviet air space.
> The show can be downloaded below. He credits the large group
> which was assembled in Fairfield, at that time, for settling
> down the influences, which were very unstable at the time...

As an alternative explanation for why the world
avoided nuclear destruction during the "Taste Of
Utopia" course, might I propose this:

Dec. 1993--The Hubble telescope mirror flaw was
fixed and clear pictures from outer space received.

This was the *real* cause of the lessening of
international tensions on Earth. I have it on
good authority (a noted astrologer whom I cannot
name but who shares a last name with a silent
movie star named Rudolph) that what was going on
is that the Big Verginas in the Pleiaides, while
generally more evolved than humans, are really,
really vain, and did not like the fuzzy photos
of them coming back to Earth via the Hubble tele-
scope. As a result, they resolved to use their
Cosmic Woo Woo powers to influence the Soviets
to nuke the whole planet, just to be sure.

It was not until an emergency effort to repair the
Hubble telescope was successful and the photos of
the Big Verginas became less fuzzy and out of focus
that the Pleiaidians lightened up and allowed the
Earth to survive.

We've still not achieved world peace, however,
because the Big Verginas are still a little miffed.
They think that the now-clear photos make them
look fat.

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