Interesting how people feel compelled to offer Kirk advice. He didn't ask for 
it. He just made some statements about his own life. He didn't ask anyone to 
tell him how to change it. 

The only thing I will say is, I hear you, Kirk! 

--- In, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
> Get back to your meditation program.  You'll never know what surprises are 
> kept for you.
> --- In, "Kirk" <kirk_bernhardt@> wrote:
> >
> > This is the first action I am engaging in today. 
> > My best and only friend moved away.
> > Jobs suck. 
> > My wife is extremely busy.
> > I suck.
> > The sooner I die the happier I will be.
> > You all enjoy your trite fun and games.
> > Woohoo Judy and Barry - what a great time.
> > 
> > Whatever.
> >

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