--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Kirk wrote:
> > This is the first action I am engaging in today.
> > My best and only friend moved away.
> > Jobs suck.
> > My wife is extremely busy.
> > I suck.
> > The sooner I die the happier I will be.
> > You all enjoy your trite fun and games.
> > Woohoo Judy and Barry - what a great time.
> >
> > Whatever.
> Private chef?
> Any thoughts on the idea of private cheffing--at different houses,  
> once a week....custom gourmet menus, for upscale clients? Work your  
> magic....different places to work, different scenery, a different  
> mandala of people? You're always the boss, but instead of a  
> overbearing bastard, the clients get to see your enlightened nature...
> It's the in thing. Show up, work your magic with a weeks worth of  
> meals. On to the next person. Never boring, always original. Gawd,  
> you'd be great at it! A traveling artist with his culinary, uh...  
> palate. :-)

I want a private chef but I know I would get fat.  I did buy pre-made meals by 
a small catering company for a few years. They would deliver meals once a week. 
Most was frozen to reheat but there also was fresh stuff, like salads, fruit, 
etc.  Much better than crap I would have made when I was working too many 
hours.  I bet there is a market for this as well, but you probably need a 
commercial kitchen for preparing the meals. 

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