Kirk wrote:
> TM is ultimately a Vaishnava methodology...
Most Vaishnava' don't have anything to do with 
'mantra lore', Kirk. In fact, most Vaishnavas are 
opposed to the enlightenment tradition. Vaishnavas 
are monotheists - they don't take very well to 
tantric yoga, which uses the bija mantras and the 
sex magic. Vaishnavas worship the Transcendental
Person - they are Puranic literalists. 

Vaishnavas do chant the names of Vishnu, but most 
of the time they are just Sanskrit words of praise, 
not true bija mantras. Vaishanavas don't practice 
very much meditation using bijas. A Vaishnava wants 
to taste honey, not to be honey. A Vaishnava is a 
bhakta, not a siddha.

The TM bija mantras are derived from the tantric 
Sri Vidya tradition of Karnataka, not from the 
Vaishnava tradition. All the Saraswati gurus 
follow the Sri Vidya tradition. 

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