Since this is my last post for the week, I'm going
to kill three of Barry's sad little birds with one

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> When someone who was clearly intelligent once 
> throws away all semblance of intelligence to
> play cult apologist, that to me is a valuable 
> "yardstick" of how far gone they are into being 
> a cultist.

Notice a couple of things here.

First, neither Barry nor Vaj have managed to
address any of the points I've been making to
Curtis. Instead, they content themselves with
ad hominem (which is, of course, exactly what
they always accuse the "apologists" of doing).

Second, as far as they're concerned, no
alternative view to theirs is permissible, no
matter how thoughtfully reasoned, and regardless
of their inability to address that reasoning.

No "thinking for oneself" is allowed in their
world. If one dares to hold a different view
from the one they have dictated, that
automatically makes one a "cult apologist."

That's "creative thinking" for ya.

> THAT is the issue I've been seeing in Judy in 
> this thread. The challenges she sees to her cult
> believership in the TM Is Not A Religion Religion
> are not JUST intellectual challenges. They are
> meanspirited challenges, challenges made with
> evil intent, as a kind of personal "attack."

Barry does a little more "creative thinking" so
as to miss my point.

As I said earlier, it seems to me that the
arguments against teaching TM (minus SCI) in
schools are so exaggerated and artificial, so
fundamentally unreasonable, that there has to
be something else behind them, conscious or
otherwise. It's not the disagreement per se
but the quality of the arguments, their
mountain-out-of-a-molehill character.

I never said or suggested that Curtis's
challenges were "mean-spirited." Barry made
that up (more "creative thinking"). I don't
believe that. I do think they may be colored
by residual resentment of which he's most
likely not even aware.

Knapp's challenges, in contrast, *are* mean-
spirited, fueled by a conscious desire to see
the TMO defeated (and in the process to enhance
his counseling practice).

Finally, notice that while (falsely) suggesting
that I can't see that challenges to my take on
TM are intellectually based, Barry refuses to
see my views as intellectually based; as far
as he's concerned, they're just "cult

"Creative thinking," big-time.

And here's some more:

> Next she's going to be claiming that people who
> disagree with her are making Death Threats against
> her. That would be the logical next step.

Yeah, that was all about TM, wasn't it, Barry?

Are there no limits to Barry's "creativity"?

>From another post:

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> John Knapp's "ugly comment" --
> > "I'd sure be more comfortable if researchers would
> > stick to experimenting on monkeys and leave the kids
> > alone."
> John Knapp is threatening the lives of monkeys!
> Burn him at the stake! 
> :-)
> I just love it when Judy *demonstrates* her 
> Bad Intent by demonstrating her ability to 
> read Bad Intent into anything she reads.
> Even the *promoters* of the teach-kids-to-
> meditate initiative refer to it as an exper-
> iment. But when John Knapp does the same
> thing, that is somehow revealing of his
> "ugly comment" and his "mask slipping."

Do we all really think Barry is *this* stupid?

Or do we think he's doing some of his famous
"creative writing" because he believes *you* are
all stupid?

Who are the "monkeys" John was referring to
that TM researchers should experiment on rather
than kids?

And from yet another post:

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> I have
> a very high "failure rate" when trying to
> order from Amazon or use their "Look inside
> this book" feature. So trying to sell me
> better "up time" just isn't going to work.

Funny, I order from Amazon and use its "Look
inside" feature all the time, and I've never
had any problems.

It appears that Barry is technically
incompetent and just can't figure out how to
use either the ordering system or the "Look
inside" feature. So he blames it on Amazon's


Over and out...

Oh, wait, one more thing, this one nonsnarky:

I don't know why it hasn't occurred to me
before, but I'd genuinely like to hear from Barry
as to how he viewed the purportedly religious
nature of TM when he was with the TMO. He's made
it clear how allergic he is to any kind of
religious thinking these days, and as his comments
to Vaj indicate, he's completely convinced TM is
a religion.

So was he inclined to religious belief when he
was a TM teacher but has since lost that
inclination? Or did he feel about religion then
the way he feels now, and simply found a way not
to let the religious component bother him? Or was
he not even *aware* of the religious component at
the time?

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