What would it take for you to become a TM TB again?

I guess almost any miracle could do the trick for me.  If lots of folks started 
hovering, or one person hovered in a very scientific setting, I'd immediately 
start TM again. 

1.  So, I think of hovering as a proof despite the fact that Turq says that his 
Rama guy did it in front of crowds and many times.  To me something's hinky 
with Turq's reporting, cuz, in my world, real hovering is a feat that gets the 
CIA kidnapping your ass.  Seems likely that the Rama guy was a magician, not a 
MAGICIAN.  Show me a true MAGICIAN and I'm sold out.

2. If Maharishi came back from the dead, mmmm, yeah that'd do for me too.

3. If some sort of class-action suit completely exposed all the finances of the 
TMO and showed that -- unbelievably -- all the money went to promoting TM 
instead of buying yachts for Girish, AND, if some "knock your socks off 
scientific measurements" showed at least some mind-over-matter processes during 
TM -- such as some blood chemistry marker that's immediately changed when one 
starts meditating and that marker is known so well that scientists flock to get 
TM instructions, then, yeah, I might be a redneck, er, TB.

4. Okay, anyone coming back from the dead and saying TM works -- yeah, that'd 
do it too.  Maybe even moreso than if Maharishi came back, cuz, maybe Maharishi 
never died and merely faked it so that he could seemingly come back from the 
dead, but if, say, Hitler came back and espoused TM, sorry Jews, but I'll be 
listening to Adolph.

5. If some verifiable ancient document was found that predicted the advent of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and TM in precise and exacting terms (whatever that 
means,) well, that'd turn my head, but the verification had better be 
non-controversial and widely accepted by scholars. And/or, if some dead sea 
scrolls were found that listed all-and-only the TM mantras, I'd go "Urp, say 

6.  If a UFO lands and out comes some entity with Maharishi's Gita in its 
hands/tenticles, and this entity says something like:  "Maharishi is the most 
famous teacher in all the cosmos and he's incarnate in over 1,000 bodies on 
1,000 planets."  Um, it would get my interest.

7.  If any MAV products were endorsed by the AMA and the FDA to be powerful 
healers, and if physicians reported that their patients were additionally 
having spiritual experiences of significant intensity, okay, I'll revisit my 
"TM only works somewhat" conclusions.

8.  If the words "Transcendental Meditation Works" appeared on the Moon and was 
easily read by the naked eye by anyone on Earth, okay, that's got me just like 
the UFO landing concept got me.

9. If a nanobot swarm becomes conscious and form itself into the shape of a 
human being and then that entity meditates using a TM mantra -- okay, sign me 
up again.

10. If Curtis, Vaj, Turq, and their ilk started TM again and reported that, 
despite the long lapse of time since they last meditated, that they were NOW 
having tremendous, full-reality, spiritual experiences with gods, angels, et 
al, then, hey, I'd sit in the chair for at least a few attempts.

You?  What would it take?


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