--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69" <shukr...@...> wrote:
> This is just willful stupidity and closedmindedness.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I am SO bored with this topic I can't chime
> > in with much more than a rant. I don't see
> > how anyone with an ounce of integrity can
> > *possibly* be arguing that the TMO does not
> > teach religiously-based ideas.
> > 
> > But I do understand WHY people don't have 
> > that ounce of integrity. They've been taught 
> > that when it comes to fundamental points of 
> > TM dogma that the ONLY thing that matters is
> > not only following them but defending them.
> > 
> > And one of the strongest and MOST drummed-
> > into-people's-heads pieces of dogma during 
> > their TM instruction is "TM Is Not A Religion."
> > It's said in every Introductory Lecture, 
> > *whether the subject comes up on its own or 
> > not*, it's said during each night of the three 
> > nights of checking, *whether the subject comes 
> > up on its own or not*, and it's said pretty 
> > much every time after that that the subject 
> > of religion comes up. For years. Ad absurdum.
> > 
> > This is arguably **THE** most fundamental piece
> > of TM dogma, probably repeated more often than
> > "Thou shalt not strain on the mantra." 
> > 
> > And after all that much repetition, people just
> > lose all sense of perspective about it. The sub-
> > ject comes up, and they become mindless evangel-
> > ists for the TM Is Not A Religion Religion. 
> > 
> > They'll say ANYTHING rather than admit what 
> > MOST of them know to be the truth, that OF 
> > COURSE all of the TM dogma is based on Hindu
> > dogma. They'll lie, they'll deny, they'll come
> > with up excuses, they'll obfuscate, they'll
> > attempt to distract, they'll do ANYTHING 
> > rather than violate this First Commandment.
> > 
> > And personally I'm getting a little tired of it.
> > There seems to me to be NO QUESTION that 
> > teaching TM *as it is taught now* in American 
> > school systems violates the Constitution. TM 
> > Teachers are just not CAPABLE of teaching 
> > the basic technique 1) without a religious puja, 
> > and 2) without all of the directly-derived-from-
> > Hinduism "explanations" of what is "really" 
> > happening when you meditate during the three 
> > nights of checking, and afterwards.
> > 
> > The ONLY way to keep this essentially religious
> > dogma from being taught in schools is to not 
> > allow it to be taught there in the first place. 
> > We simply cannot TRUST TM Teachers to "leave out"
> > the parts of the dogma that are directly derived
> > from Hindu thought when they present the three
> > nights of checking, let alone afterwards, as they
> > try to suck these students into "Advanced Tech-
> > niques" and the Siddhis. And *everyone* here 
> > knows that that's exactly what they will do. 
> > 
> > It is EXACTLY the same situation that caused
> > Thomas Jefferson to write one of his most remem-
> > bered quotes, the one that graces the Jefferson
> > Memorial in Washington. This quote was written
> > in a letter to a friend discussing an attempt
> > by Christians to teach *their* dogma in a school
> > system. In that particular case, *they* promised
> > "not to teach anything explicitly religious" 
> > either, and NO ONE BELIEVED THEM. 
> > 
> > 
> > Instead, believe Thomas Jefferson. He had the
> > right idea:
> > 
> > "I have sworn upon the altar of God 
> > eternal hostility against every from 
> > of tyranny over the mind of man."
> > 
> > Jefferson was talking about *preventing* the teach-
> > ing of religion in schools in America. The principle 
> > still stands. It stands in the case of Christianity, 
> > and it stands in the case of the TM Is Not A 
> > Religion Religion.
> > 
> > IMO, of course...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, or, how about this one, every now and 
then even a blind squirrel with find a nut!  Right on Turq, (don't know about 
the Jefferson stuff).  

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