--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:42 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > 
> > > They'll say ANYTHING rather than admit what
> > > MOST of them know to be the truth, that OF
> > > COURSE all of the TM dogma is based on Hindu
> > > dogma. They'll lie, they'll deny, they'll come
> > > with up excuses, they'll obfuscate, they'll
> > > attempt to distract, they'll do ANYTHING
> > > rather than violate this First Commandment.
> > 
> > My personal fave, (paraphrased):
> > "We don't have to tell the kids what the
> > underpinnings are, if people like John
> > Knapp would just keep their mouths shut."
> > 
> > Now there's a raving endorsement for the
> > integrity of the teaching.
> > 
> > > And personally I'm getting a little tired of it.
> > 
> > Not me, I still find it endlessly entertaining.
> Kinda tells you where the person who frequently says
>                  "I *never* lie."
> sets the bar on her personal honesty. 
> Even do.rflex, who had his nose up her butt
> so long he developed ring around the collar, has 
> acknowledged how completely dishonest this
> position is regarding the non-religiousity of teaching
> TM in schools. 
> I've wondered for some time if the vehement 
> argument she makes was based on delusion or
> dishonesty. It is probably both.

In all compassion -- really -- I think 
that Judy's stance is as old as the "con
game" and as understandable. It's how the
"con game" WORKS, and why it's *always*


The more self-importance the conned person
has, the more vehemently they resist admit-
ting that they have been conned. They will
become "apologists" for the con men, will
"defend" them the way that people *who
were conned by Je-Ru* defended him, and
will go to their graves doing so, because
their sense of self-importance is stronger
than their sense of integrity and honesty.

For such people, it is better to be thought
a fool than to admit to having been one.

Judy MUST know how ridiculous her stance 
in all of this makes her look. But she 
continues that stance nonetheless. I think
that my explanation is the only one that
"fits" her behavior. 

Have you EVER known Judy Stein to admit
to having been WRONG, except to a tiny 
fact or typo?

I haven't, either. None of us have.

Do you think that a person with that level
of self-importance is going to admit to
having been WRONG about the very nature
of the practice she has been doing every
day for 30+ years?

Not gonna happen...

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