> Hear, hear, Doug.  I say, revoke their dome badges.
> That'll teach em to be non-meditators.
> Sal

Yeah, that's right, Sal.  Always have figured you for a conservative Meditator 
too.  Glad you are with the conservative meditators too in this fight against 
non-meditators.  The response has been very strong.  

!Nistraigunyo! seems is the rallying cry of what meditators are all saying.  
Here in Iowa, the State motto is "our liberties we prize and our rights we will 
maintain".  Real Iowa meditators seem boiling for a spiritual fight here now.

Heisenberg not withstanding, its evidently not all relative.  That seems is the 
transcendental experience. 
Physics is physics and the Meissner field effect of expanding consciousness of 
the transcendental unified field evidently is prevailing, as it always has.  
That is certain.  It is this which is manifest destiny.  I'm so glad for you 
that you are with it, Sal.  

Jai Guru Dev,

-Doug in FF    

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