If anyone has any lingering doubts that ed11
is really Jim in drag, here's the proof.

Remember back when Jim tried to convince us
that the Backstreet Boys were great artists
and that "Iron Man" was the best film of the
year and deserving of an Oscar and that the
TV show "American Idol" was full of immensely
talented performers? That's the kind of 
uneducated, anti-intellectual and arrogant
approach he had to the arts, and to life in

And now here is ed11, trying to make a case
for TM by quoting **"Entertainment Weekly"**
as if it were the Encyclopedia Britannica. :-)

Here's ed11 saying that he'll "toss my bag 
in with Paul and Ringo and Sheryl and Eddie 
and the others." All that ed11/Jim needs to
help him decide any issue like whether TM is
appropriate for teaching in US schools is
whether aging rock 'n roll stars think it's
OK. Now think back to where this mindset
*comes from*.

Maharishi first popularized it back in the
late Sixties, by "hitching his star to the
stars." He hitched a ride on the popularity
of the Beatles and the Beach Boys and Merv
Griffin and Clint Eastwood and many others.
And many of us BOUGHT THIS CRAP.

Being young and stupid, we actually *believed*
that there was some relationship between what
some popular-in-the-media person thought and


For him/her, the ONLY thing he needs to "help
him make up his mind" about an issue is how 
many aging rock stars are lined up on one side
of the issue.

It's a good thing for him that the Backstreet
Boys and the most recent winners of "American
Idol" aren't on the other side of the issue,
and against teaching TM in the schools. If that
happened, Jim/ed11 wouldn't know WHAT to do. 

:-)  :-)  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> i can't figure out which to pay attention to, the huge 
> upcoming concert for TM on April 4th in the big apple 
> with the biggest names in the music business, or John 
> Knapp and the other TM bashers whining about TM and how 
> unsuccessful <snicker> the practice and the TM "cult" is...
> (hmmm...Knapp even posted a comment at the link below, 
> and uh, no one objected because no one even noticed...
> poor guy reminds me of those nuts in the cartoons carrying 
> a "the end is near" sign...)
> i think i'll toss my bag in with Paul and Ringo and Sheryl 
> and Eddie and the others. now there's a group of rabid TM 
> TBs i can hang with, putting their money where their mouth 
> is! 
> from Entertainment Weekly 
> (http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2009/03/paul-mccartney.html):
> Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will be headlining an upcoming benefit show -- 
> and yes, they'll be performing together. The Charity Begins Within concert, 
> benefiting the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and 
> World Peace, will also include Sheryl Crow, Donovan, Eddie Vedder, Ben 
> Harper, Moby, Paul Horn, Bettye Lavette, and Jim James. The April 4 show 
> marks the first time McCartney and Starr will perform together since 2002, 
> and the first time I've ever really considered spending $80 on a concert 
> ticket. 
> The David Lynch Foundation promotes transcendental meditation in schools. 
> According to the foundation's website, the practice "is a simple, natural, 
> effortless, easily learned technique practiced silently for 15 to 20 minutes 
> twice a day, sitting comfortably in a chair with the eyes closed. During the 
> practice, the mind settles down, experiencing finer levels of thought, until 
> it transcends the finest level of thought and experiences the source of 
> thought, pure consciousness -- the unified field -- the source of the 
> unlimited creativity and intelligence expressed in human life and in nature." 
> No word on how it affects ones strange meteorology tweets, but the 
> organization says that transcendental meditation "is not a religion or 
> philosophy and does not involve concentration, control of the mind, or change 
> in lifestyle."
> McCartney and Starr helped popularize transcendental meditation in 1968, when 
> they studied under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

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