I am the eternal wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Kirk wrote:
>> Those of us who aren't into the Facebook fad won't be able to see it.
> Fad indeed.  Both social networking, self-exposure companies are going to
> bite the dust.  Both previously valued at many billions of dollars,  they're
> becoming boat anchors.  It's the old dot.com paradigm: millions of members,
> zillions of hits a day, none of them making any money.
So many people find that they have too many "friends" on Facebook and 
start having to edit or you get bugged to death.  I was sucked into 
LinkedIn and to what I can tell the generation younger folks I worked 
with at the old company go to town with it like it is going to help them 
but I could give a damn.   I can't stand "corporate think" and LinkedIn 
is put together by people who think that way. 

Discovered recently I'm even on IMDB.com but that isn't a social 
networking thang.  So Stu ain't the only one here on IMDB.

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