--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Not many times, but enough, I was a substitute teacher at MSAE, and I never 
> had a classroom do group meditation in any manner that even remotely looks 
> like "quiet time."
> I don't know if they've finally "fixed this" at MSAE, but when I was there, 
> kids would be fucking off all during group meditation -- to the point of 
> laughing aloud, never closing their eyes, tossing notes to each other, 
> speaking to each other, and being haughty about it when I made eye contact 
> with them to "brow beat them into closing their eyes."
> Yeah, I was the substitute and kids like to misbehave when a sub is there, 
> but, still, if that's how they act when "no one important is looking," then 
> that's a strong measurement of MSAE's inability to inculcate a reverence for 
> TM...or that a reverence naturally bubbles up eventually in the kids.  And 
> don't miss that all the rich folks never send their kids to MUM for college.
> In the public schools, believe me, any TM teacher is going to be a substitute 
> to them, and quiet time will be only as quiet as you can get a room with 
> twenty spitballs whizzing constantly.
> It'll be war.

You may have a point, but in fact, it iss the local school teachers conducting
the quiet time as far as I know, and part of the "contract" to attend is that 
the kids
be quiet during that time. 


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