Question and answers by Benjamin Creme

Question: How imminent is Maitreya's appearance in the world?
A. Very imminent indeed.
Q. Will most people feel their own soul on Declaration Day when Maitreya
is speaking?
A. Most people will experience their own souls, even if it is the first
time in their lives. It will be an extraordinary experience for
humanity. They will feel like a child; pure, listening from the heart to
these wonderful words and experiencing a quality of life that they have
forgotten – that goes way back to their childhood when they were
simple, trusting, full of love and happiness.

Q. (1) It was stated in Share International News Release No.88 that in
the very near future a large, bright star, "a star-like luminary of
brilliant power", will appear in the sky visible throughout the
world, night and day. "Around a week later Maitreya will give his
first interview on major US television." I find this statement
somewhat puzzling because the star has now been appearing around the
world for over two months. (1) Does this mean that Maitreya already gave
his first interview around a week after the star first began appearing
around the world? (2) Or does it mean Maitreya will give his first
interview around a week after the appearances of the star have reached
their peak and been seen by enough people?
A. (1) No. (2) Yes, precisely. It would be of little use to mount this
huge project (which it is) if humanity had no time to evaluate and

Q. Will sightings of the star eventually become numerous enough that it
becomes a top headline in the news worldwide and publicly investigated
by scientists?
A. I do not know what level of response is required but it is obvious
that some public recognition is essential.

Q. First off, I have to say thank you for making this information
available. I'm truly grateful. I'm writing because I think that I saw
the miracle star your Master has described. It was Saturday night and I
was working late. The location was Toluca Lake, California, USA. After I
left the office to go to my car I saw a star that was brighter than any
other that I've seen. It had an orb shape around it. While I was driving
home on the freeway I was following it with my eyes. It seemed to change
its position. Sometimes it was to the left of me and sometimes it was to
the right. Maybe this is because the freeway changed position; I don't
know. It did seem to shift to rather dramatic variables in distance. It
seemed to vanish as soon as I got off the freeway near my neighborhood.
My father thought that it might be Venus. It was exceptionally bright.
Whatever the case may be, that was the brightest heavenly body I've
noticed to date.
A. My Master has confirmed that it was indeed the Star that you followed
along the freeway. It does move about which, of course, Venus does not
except slowly along its own trajectory. Venus is very bright and is
often confused for the Star but Venus is becoming lower and lower on the
horizon and, by 28 March or so, will no longer be visible to us. The
Star is even brighter than Venus, and changes position and colour.

Q. In late February 2009, I was in a city in the Brazilian state of
Minas Gerais. There, I saw a really bright star in the sky. It was
bigger than the other stars. It was a little similar to Venus, but the
colour was completely different. Venus normally is blue and the star was
yellow or golden. Was that the star of Maitreya?
A. Yes, it was the Star.

Q. A thought about the appearance of the star occurred to me: the first
news release regarding the star starts: "Look now for the biggest
miracle of all...." It sounds to me that we are told to regularly
look for it, of course on evenings when there are few clouds in the west
(in the case of New Zealand), and by looking for it we are inviting its
appearance. And the more who look the stronger the invitation. Would
this be correct?
A. No, it is not really like that. The Star exists whether we look for
it or not but if people do not look for it they will not necessarily see
it and report it. It is necessary that it receives open public attention
as a miracle – a sign of Maitreya's appearance on US television.
If it does not receive public attention of a certain amount it will not
have served its purpose.

Q. On the evening of 3 March 2009, for at least 30 minutes before the
clouds came, I saw a bright star-like object on the western sky in
Belgium. Could this have been the star?
A. Yes, it was the Star. <>

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