--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Question and answers by Benjamin Creme
> > 
> > Question: How imminent is Maitreya's appearance in the world?
> > A. Very imminent indeed.
> "In 1982 Creme placed advertisements in newspapers 
> around the world saying, 'The Christ is now here.' 

Creme was correct, Maitreya arrived in London in 1977.

> According to Creme the 'Christ,' whom he also called 
> 'Maitreya,' would announce his existence on world wide 
> television broadcasts, and that he would do that within 
> several months of the initial newspaper advertisement. 
> This created a sensation within some New Age groups, 
> and even among some Evangelical Christians; but, when 
> the promised television broadcasts of the Maitreya/
> Christ failed to occur, most of Creme's followers 
> lost interest."

1982 for sure not, I joined Purusha that year and would have known about this 
happening. I believe it was 1985 or 1986. Anyway it was a very interesting 
occourance, because who did the first world-wide broadcast via sattelite in 
July 1985, when, according to Benjamin Creme the Crist Himself was to be 
broadcasted to the world ? 
Of course; Maharishi did it; His first Global Conference via satelite.

When this happened, and Benjamin Creme was 100% wrong about the timing of his 
information, it was when I first discovered the junctionpoints of Maharishi and 

Maharishi inaugurated the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment in 1975, 2 years 
later Maitreya appeared in London. This explains a lot about the relationship 
of Maitreya and Maharishi. 
The appearance of this great Yogi in the West since 1958 was absolutely 
necessary for Maitreya to be able to, or even wanting to, create a Mahavirupta 
body and settle in London. 

Without Maharishi no Maitreya. 

> But Nabby hangs in there.

Yes indeed :-)

> This may help to explain his stance with
> regard to Maharishi's "heaven on earth" 
> as well.  :-)

You are right. Maharishi created the cirumstances in which "Heaven on Earth" 
was possible to manifest in this age. The historical connotations are numerous. 
John the Baptist comes to mind, one of several.
> It may also offer some comfort to those of 
> us whom Nabby has said are going straight
> to Hell

I never said that. I'm afraid your lying-genes are playing a trick on your slow 
mind once again. See below.

, do not pass Go, do not collect
> $200. Creme has been saying that Maitreya
> was going to appear "any day now" since
> 1972, and he hasn't shown yet.

Yes He has. Maitreya is much closer to us now than you can imagine. Many are 
seeing Him every day. On the 28'th of April 2009 Venus will no longer be seen 
from Earth. But the Star will still be seen continously, day and night even 
after this date. Be prepared for this grand event.

> So, based on that accuracy of prediction 
> record, those of us whom Nabby has con-
> demned to Hell for our evil ways

I never condemn anyone. I simply suggest that intense Tamas is a clear 
alternative when dropping the body for the haters of Knowledge.  

Nature has Her ways, and you are a fool to pretend you do not know this.

"Heaven will walk on Earth in this generation"
- Maharishi

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