...the rescue makes his presidency look that much less like it is Jimmy 
Carter's second term...

Great news.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal <l.shad...@...> wrote:
> http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D97H2SJ00&show_article=1
> http://tinyurl.com/d53kk8
> Breitbart.com
> Official: US sea captain freed in swift firefight     
> Apr 12 01:09 PM US/Eastern
> Associated Press Writers
> MOMBASA, Kenya (AP) - An American ship captain was freed unharmed
> Sunday in a swift firefight that killed three of the four Somali
> pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast
> of Africa, the ship's owner said and a U.S. official said.
> A senior U.S. intelligence official said a pirate who had been
> involved in negotiations to free Capt. Richard Phillips but who was
> not on the lifeboat was in custody.
> Phillips, 53, of Underhill, Vermont, was safely transported to a Navy
> warship nearby.
> Maersk Line Limited President and CEO John Reinhart said in a news
> release that the U.S. government informed the company around 1:30 p.m.
> EDT Sunday that Phillips had been rescued. Reinhart said the company
> called Phillips' wife, Andrea, to tell her the news.
> The U.S. official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly
> and spoke on condition of anonymity. A Pentagon spokesman had no
> immediate comment.
> When Phillips' crew heard the news aboard their ship in the port of
> Mombasa, they placed an American flag over the rail of the top of the
> Maersk Alabama and whistled and pumped their fists in the air. Crew
> fired a bright red flare into the sky from the ship.
> A government official and others in Somali with knowledge of the
> situation had reported hours earlier that negotiations for Phillips'
> release had broken down.
> ___
> Jakes reported from Washington. Associated Press writers who
> contributed to this report include Mohamed Olad Hassan and Mohamed
> Sheikh Nor in Mogadishu, Somalia and Michelle Faul and Tom Maliti in
> Nairobi, Kenya.
> Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
> material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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