On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Richard J. Williams <willy...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Curtis wrote:
>> Wait a second. Kissing a man with tongue
>> IS gay behavior...
> Kissing a man 'with tongue' for a gay man simply
> means 'hello' and 'how are you doing?' Now, if
> it was a straight man doing that, then I'd worry,
> Curtis. : )

Where I come from, "swapping spit" means anything objectionable that
two guys would do together with their mouths.  And where I come from
homosexuality is anathema.   I meant to convey something beyond a mere
peck on the cheek.  I'm talking a big, slobbering kiss.  The first
time I received a kiss like that from a guy was from one of my workers
(aka "electrical men").  He was not gay, I am not gay and it was not a
gay thing.  It was a sign that I made the grade in the electrical
men's eyes.  Of course that all fell apart very quickly when I said to
one of the Copts that I really enjoyed going to church with him on
Sunday.  The guy who kissed me asked me if I was Christian.  I said of
course I'm Christian.  The whole bloody country is Christian (actually
a rough Arabic translation of that).  Suddenly all the Muslims fell on
the floor and whaled.  The next day he gave me a little statue of
Marium.  I accepted it.  Then the Copts took me to task for accepting
profane objects.  I got all of my men together and told them that we
needed peace in the Middle East and it oughta start with us.  A while
later I saw Copt and Muslim walking home hand in hand.  Well, I
accomplished something.  You see, the sidhis do work.

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