It occurs to me, uncharacteristically, that many of
us here have reacted to Nabby's enthusiasm about the
any-day-now coming of Maitreya less than graciously.
We have kidded him and poked fun at him for his 
beliefs and the fervor with which he pursued them.
In this post I hope to present another view of that
fervor, one that I hope will help us to treat him
more appropriately in the future when the subject 
comes up.

Nabby, in my opinion, is strongly faith- or bhakti-
oriented. When it comes to Maitreya, he is a supplicant,
on his knees before his Master, ready to serve him in 
any way possible. Nabby ceaselessly strokes Maitreya 
in his posts, filling his own mouth with whatever is 
necessary to serve Maitreya faithfully.

And he gets flack for this. More than once he has taken
one (and sometimes two) on the chin for Maitreya. And 
he never complains about this; he just sucks it up and
continues doing whatever Maitreya demands of him.

If he is correct, and keeps pounding away at this holy
task, sure enough someday Maitreya really will come. 

Both Nabby and we will look up and see the expression 
of serenity and ecstasy on Maitreya's face as he finds 
his release into the world after so long. We'll prob-
ably see a similar look of ecstasy on Nabby's face.

And when that happens those of us who have laughed at 
Nabby in the past will be proven wrong, and will have 
to say to him, "Nabby, you said a real mouthful." At 
that point Nabby will probably reply, "Mmmmph mmmpph," 
which is Creme-ese, for "My pleasure. I was just trying 
to fill the emptiness in your lives the same way Maitreya 
has filled the emptiness in mine."

So cut Nabby a break. He's just sucking it up for the
team, being a real bhakti, and treating his Master the 
way a Master should be treated. Just hope for Nabby's 
sake that when Maitreya finally comes he'll settle for 
that, and not ask for a Second Coming.

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