--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <reavisma...@...> wrote:
> Well said.  The seeds of later unfolding petals of
> knowledge (to use an inelegant time-lapse metaphor)
> were planted right at the beginning, I agree.  The
> spiritual agenda was broached at the beginning,
> however it wasn't emphasized.  You have to realize
> that we had to soften the general audience up for
> the preparatory lecture where we showed them the
> picture of Guru Dev for the first time, and touch,
> ever so delicately, on the Holy Tradition stuff.  I
> mean, if they were going to be intitiated in a day
> or two, they had to be somewhat prepared for the 
> the puja.

And for most, that's as far as it went. There was no
need for them to know any more about the metaphysics
than they got in the three days of checking for them
to make use of the technique.

Did you as a TM teacher consider yourself a failure
if your students went off and practiced TM on their
own, with an occasional checking session, and never
came to any advanced lectures or went on residence
courses or got any more deeply involved in the

> But for those, like Curtis, myself, and many others 
> at that time, we were looking for some hardcore
> hinduism and the teachers gave us enough reassurance
> that this was da kine to bring us in, as well.  It
> was really well crafted at the time, for the time.

I don't understand what you're saying here. I don't
know what "was da kine to bring us in, as well" means,
or how it relates to what we're talking about.

I'm still trying to figure out why you think it was

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