TurquoiseB wrote:
> > (Funny too how you always complain about 
> > *my* quoting posts from alt.m.t, as though 
> > they couldn't have any relevance to anything 
> > going on here.)
> >
Yes, it is really funny - at least I think it's
funny, and fun to post these old messages, just
to see who has changed and who has stayed the
same. The a.l.t.'ers have practically taken over
the Yahoo! FairfieldLife forum, for better or for
worse. But why in hell did all you informants
stalk me over here - I was trying to get away 
from you guys! Go figure.

Here's Barry promoting the Buddhist religion:

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: Two simple questions for the 
bhakti supporters 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: March 19, 2003

In my experience, the real value of a koan,
and why their value has been passed down to 
history but misunderstood, is that there is 
a power to a koan when it is *spoken* by a 
teacher.  NOT as words, NOT in the same sense 
that many here believe a mantra has power, but 
a kind of synergistic thing, a perception on 
the part of the teacher that this *particular* 
set of nonsense words has the capability of 
providing a breakthrough for this particular 
student at this particular moment in time.  
And, sometimes, it does.

However, the same set of nonsense words, 
spoken to another student, may have no effect 
whatsoever. The same set of nonsense words, 
pondered by someone ponderous, could only serve 
to make her more ponderous...

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