On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Kirk <kirk_bernha...@cox.net> wrote:
> What specifically is human design and what value does it have. What are
> potential forms of restructuring one goes though after?

Kirk, you weren't here when I explained about Ru business cards, which
I have a ton of.  The first few are for the MLM business they are the
sole member of, as it seems like the only model Ru's had about making
money involved a hierarchical system.  After that they give you their
Reiki card and their card offering you their services as a life coach.
 I suspect some Ru's have yet another card that goes between their
Reiki card and their life coach card.  That's their human design
restructuring card.

Now since you have to ask, you're a perfect mark.

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