Note that of Barry's six posts so far this week,
five attack TMers (four attacking me specifically),
and the sixth attacks Edg.

(Yes, Barry, some of these were attempts at humor,
but they were attacks nonetheless.)

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> > >
> > > If my attempt at humour with John Manning backfired
> > > because he is void of any sense of humour, I am truly
> > > sorry for hurting his feelings.
> > > 
> > > But if the rather lame and silly things I said about
> > > him are the standard upon which to label one as "insane"
> > > and "meanspirited" then gosh, Barry, what does that make
> > > you in light of all the horrible things you write ON A
> > > DAILY FUCKING BASIS about Judy (to take just one of the
> > > targets of your hate)?
> > 
> > I was thinking the same thing. You expected everyone to
> > realize you were kidding; Barry intends for his lies to
> > be believed.
> > 
> > Which is why, incidentally, he didn't realize you were
> > kidding.
> This from the person who characterized my
> suggestion that she was going to get so angry
> that she would spontaneously burst into flame
> a "death threat."
> And who claims this to this day.
> As someone would say, <guffaw>

Anyone who said that would be either very
forgetful or attempting to deceive.

The issue, of course, wasn't whether Barry
meant it as a joke. It was perfectly obvious
he was attempting to be funny.

What was so appalling was that he thought his
misogynist fantasies of raunchydog's and my
violent deaths ("dumb cunts too stupid to live")
were humorous.

Notice how quickly Barry goes on to change
the subject from Shemp's slam-dunk point.

> To quote the same person I quoted above, 
> because we all know *she* won't say it about 
> a fellow TM apologist:
> "It's the hypocrisy, stupid."

Actually, only people who don't read my posts--
or read them selectively, or recall them
selectively, or are attempting to deceive--"know"
that. I have called out fellow TMers for hypocrisy
and will no doubt have reason to do so again.

Notice that Barry doesn't seem to want to call out
fellow Judy-hater do.rflex for his hypocrisy in
his extremely unpleasant treatment of Louis, after
having posted innumerable screeds bashing the TMO
for being insufficiently loving.

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