off_world_beings wrote:
> This is the one issue, above all, that, if I 
> were American, I would defend Obama at all 
> costs on this issue...
So, how would you defend it and how, exactly, 
would you talk the Dems into voting for it?

There is a problems with this - Nobama is going 
to upset many American companies that invest 
overseas by grouping them all with 'tax cheats'; 
and he'll upset the G8 who recently wrote 
some agreements to limit protectionism. 

Now the U.S. is going to try and enforecement 
legislation that will limit investement in 
third-world countries? Now Obama wants to raise 
taxes on corporations right in the middle of a 

This doesn't even make any sense. Why would the
U.S. want companies to pull out of other countries? 
We WANT the U.S. to invest in other countries, not 
back out of current economic agreements.

"President Barack Obama's plan to end tax breaks 
for U.S.-based multinational companies drew a 
skeptical response from fellow Democrats on Capitol 
Hill, indicating that his plan may face obstacles 
on its path through Congress..." 

'Obama's Bid to End Offshore Tax Havens Faces 
Hurdle in Congress'
By Ryan J. Donmoyer
Bloomberg, May 5, 2009

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