--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "Richard J. Williams"
<willy...@...> wrote:

> There is a problems with this - Nobama is going
> to upset many American companies that invest
> overseas by grouping them all with 'tax cheats'>>

No, that was Fox News that said that Obama said that.  Obama did not say
that...but you are like a pig at the trough of Faux News Richard.

You just don't get it:

1. If companies do not want to pay taxes, then they cannot expect the
protection of the US abroad. They cannot use US courts to protect
themselves and they cannot operate as a US company.

It costs money to run a military Richard. Something you Repugs don't
seem to understand. You are all about lower taxes and more war. You are
an idiot. You are damaging the US military because the cost of it is WAY
too high -- as Ron Paul has been pointing out for many years. How will
you keep the military strong Richard? You Fox news are traitors to your
own country with your ignorance.

2. Tax havens such as Bermuda, etc. cannot expect any defense of their
lands if they are not willing to contribute to the NATO military that
protects them. The only reason Bermuda is safe, is because of taxes paid
by NATO country members. Otherwise, you and I could go and take it over
if no-one was there to protect it. Why should NATO member tax payers pay
for a state that is helping people to not pay taxes towards defense?

3. Any company that operates in any way as a US company should be forced
to pay fines for pollution and unfair work practices they use abroad --
just as they would in this country. If they refuse, then see number 1
and 2 above.

Example: There is now strong evidence that the swine flu came from a
dirty operation pig farm in Mexico owned and run by a US company. They
operate abraod so that they can do one, or all of the following:
a) avoid environmental rules - because Mexico is not wealthy enough to
enforce them properly.
b) cheap labor and no workers rights.
c) to avoid paying taxes.

It is inevitable that these international rights will be enforced in due
time. You can't avoid International Law forever Richard. Your unilateral
arrogance is over, and the Republican party is at an all time low. It
will take 15 years for them to recover, and they will end up having to
toe the line or no-one will vote for them.

Welcome to the 21st century Richard.

Enjoy watching all this unfold now for your party.


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