TurquoiseB wrote: 
> You ignore the possibility that most people
> have already put you in the same class as
> Willytex, Jim, and Judy, and thus not worthy
> of reading, much less replying to. Just sayin'...

Well, if folks have indeed put me into such a class, then they have an onus to 
notify me of that.  Why?  Because, I'm here, and I'm listening, and I'm 
approachable, and if I'm wrong, and they know it, and yet they do not point it 
out to me, then, hey, they're allowing me to be laughable in the future when a 
word or two might correct my thinking. Seems to me they'd want me to stop being 
a FFL irritant.

Let me handle your next argument: "They don't have to post anything about Edg 
being laughable, because Turq has already completely laid out the case against 
Edg's concepts such that their additional voicings would be merely redundant."

The issue is predation, Turq, not "let's imagine up what the non-posters are 
thinking about Edg."

Of course, as a narcissist, let me remind everyone, that, in my eyes, any 
attention on me is like receiving the benefits of a yagya or at least a mitzva. 
 Hee hee....even narcissism has its upsides.  

Are you talking to me?  Are you talking to me?  You are?  Alriiiight!

No such thing as bad press.  Maybe I'll go really over the top on Turq's ass 
and get even more Sals to pipe up.  I'll bask in it....someone hand me the 
tanning lotion.


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