--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <steve.sundur@> 
> wrote:
> <snip> 
> > Like you say, few people here care about it, so I don't
> > think those who are their acquaintices would have much
> > interest.  Unless you are a Barry groupie,or a Judy
> > groupie why would you care. Barry fires off pretty much
> > the same salvos every time, and Judy often drudges up
> > five to ten year old posts to make her points.
> Not "often," *rarely*. Not much more often than Barry
> does, in fact.
> See, if it were two *other* people engaged in constant
> argument, I'd want to get the gist of it before I tuned
> out.
> Anybody who read, say, two weeks' worth of the exchanges
> between Barry and me would be aware that their primary
> feature is Barry lying and my exposing and correcting his
> lies.

Perhaps you are simply mistaken.
Perhaps you are delusionally incorrect.
Perhaps you are <gasp> lying.
Sorry Sister Aloysius, your game has been exposed.

> Once it's become clear that Barry is a chronic and
> malicious liar, *then* it would make sense to tune out.
> Too many folks here would prefer to avoid having to
> come to that conclusion, so they've tuned out
> prematurely.

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