--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> On May 10, 2009, at 8:22 AM, grate.swan wrote:
> > I like the DL (did I spell it right?). He is a sweet gentle man, and  
> > appears to have good insights. And a sense of humor.  However, if he  
> > has the power of pacification, why does he not use it on the Chinese  
> > leaders -- who upon pacification will grant and celebrate autonomy,  
> > if not freedom, to/for Tibet?
> It doesn't work on Commies.
> > Why does he go for small fish like Ekland. Why doesn't he at least  
> > pacify Vaj via transmission and root out his anger?
> Vaj is a Commie.
> Sal

Now *that* clears things up a bit.

I wonder of what shade stripe of Commie?
A bit leftist leaning Commie?
Just a kinda pink Commie?
Want the world to be a better place Commie?
Generic fellow traveler Commie?
Read Lenin and wore a Che t-shirt as an
undergrad Commie?
Card carrying Commie? 
Red diaper baby Commie?
Valium in the jet contrails but don't take my 
BluRay player or ever deign to mess with my
ego because I'm a true 'ARTIST' and can prove
it by never being able to string 3 grammatically
correct sentences in a row together but don't 
tell *ME* about line-breaks cuz I have a 
powerful guru mantra dog shit stepin' in drivin' 
my Suburu don't like dog owners hip to the  
Seattle scene cuz I played with Hendrix and I'm 
a Jazz musician but make unwatchable 
unlistenable animated music vids about 
downtown girls  people move away from me
when I sit down at Starbuck's Commie? 

Ahhh, shades.

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