Actually , I , as well as others have been on rounding courses in which M's 
instructions were to "not come out of your room for a couple or three days and 
just meditate. If you become hungry, have some bite of the apple." On my six 
month course we fasted on grapes or other fruit if you liked, for about three 
days each month. While in India, I learned that a fruit and milk diet was 
considered very purifying and satvic and raised the quality of ones experiences 
very quickly. Shantinand and many great yogis would fast on fruit and some on 
fruit and milk for days and weeks at a time. - On Sun, 5/17/09, 
off_world_beings <> wrote:

From: off_world_beings <>
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fruit Diet
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 12:41 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@ ...> wrote:
> On May 16, 2009, at 5:52 PM, do.rflex wrote:
> > On my TTC at Estes Park (1970) there was a group of prospective TM  
> > teachers who had adopted the so-called 'Mucousless Diet'. And at one  
> > of Maharishi's lectures they were recommending it to Maharishi as an  
> > effective healthy alternative.
> >
> > As I recall, at mealtimes these people would only eat uncooked  
> > vegetables and fruits. In my view they appeared to have pasty skin,  
> > low hanging bottom eye-lids and looked like they were dying of  
> > something.
> >
> > Anyway, I recall Maharishi answering this one enthusiastic proponent  
> > and chuckling, "What! rice and bread and butter?"
> Here in the States that's being marketed
> as a raw-foods diet>
I did not say a raw diet, I said a 'fruit diet', you can cook any of it that 
you want, make smoothies, etc. and satisfy strong cravings for other things.
<I think it sounds not only incredibly
> boring and tasteless, but not really all
> that healthy either>
A fruit diet is the most tasty diet you will ever eat. In fact, until you have 
been on a fruit diet for at least 3 days, you ACTUALLY have not tasted food 
properly yet. After the initial days, the system is already so cleansed that 
fruit starts to taste wonderous, even blissful, and anything else you look at 
in the store seems bland and devoid of life. However, if you have a strong 
craving for something else, and you decide to satisfy it, you can taste the 
taste of it better than you ever have done in your life.
You have not tasted food properly yet. Noe THAT is boring. You are living in a 
world of sub-level sense of taste.

> Sal


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