Barry, That was a hoot! But all want to know is, does Barry weigh as much as a 

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> The Question
> In recent weeks, there seems to have been an
> upsurge on Fairfield Life of B.D.S. (Barry Derange-
> ment Syndrome). We all know the symptoms:
> obsession, one-pointed stalking, monotopicalism,
> a tendency to call him names and blame him for
> everything *wrong* with life, the universe, and
> everything (with the possible exception of
> global warming, but give the B.D.S. sufferers
> time and I'm sure they'll get to that).
> It's a veritable phenomenon. And although some
> have speculated as to the *cause* of B.D.S.,
> most of these speculations have been pretty
> mundane and stuck in the <spit> relative. You
> know...things like "He's a liar" or "He epitomizes
> everything bad in the universe" or "He's just
> an asshole."
> While there may, in fact, be some truth to these
> theories, their mundanity leads one to believe
> that there is a simple physical cause for B.D.S.
> This essay shall take a different tack and sug-
> gest a more metaphysical reason for B.D.S., and
> why the very presence of Barry seems to drive
> some people to act for extended periods of time
> (up to 15 years in the most severe cases) like
> they were possessed by Satan.
> We shall do this by posing the simple question
> of WHY people react like this to Barry, and then
> suggest an answer that may lead to deeper meta-
> physical revelations about the true nature of
> Barry Derangement Syndrome.
> The Answer
> No, not *that* answer -- "What if he's right?"
> That's too easy, and tends to imply that B.D.S.
> sufferers could be wuh...wuh...wuh...wuh...wrong.
> Let's be  more highly evolved and respectful of
> B.D.S. sufferers than that.
> The Real Answer
>   [Satan Inside] 
> <\
> s_id/147>  What if Barry is really SATAN?
> The Case For Barry Being Satan
> Think about it. What IS the most likely explanation
> of so many people running around acting as if they
> were possessed by Satan?
> Duh. That they're possessed by Satan.
> Take the classic descriptions of Satan in the Bible
> and in literature. He's fallen, right? Who could
> *be* more fallen than Barry? Satan is described as
> "One who challenges the religious faith of humans."
> What's not a match about that?
> Look at the book that Barry wrote, and its title,
> Road Trip Mind <> . Look
> at his frequent use of the
> phrase, "I just want to walk the earth, like Caine
> in Kung-Fu." In the Bible, when God asks him whence
> he has come, Satan answers: "From wandering (mi'su)
> the earth and walking on it." Another match.
> Look at the photo Barry posted of himself on the
> FFL photo page at:
> <>
> Sure, he *says* that it was taken on top of the
> cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and that those
> guys with him are merely stone gargoyles. But
> are they? Look at his beady eyes and the smile
> that almost looks sincere. Is this Satan or what?
> Numerical And Anagramatic Evidence
> That Barry Is Satan
> Finally -- as all metaphysical conspiracy theories
> must eventually do -- we venture into the realms of
> numerology and anagrams to prove our point.
> A numerology breakdown, using the method proposed by
> the great British Theosophist Wack O. Newage-Sewage
> in his treatise "108 Ways To Prove Anything With
> Numbers" shows that the name 'Barry' breaks down to
> the number 666, the number of the beast in Revelations.
> Duh.
> And as for anagrams -- the reshifting of the letters
> of a person's name and/or words associated with them
> to find other words and phrases -- we need go no
> further than the "handle" he writes under here on
> Fairfield Life: "TurquoiseB."
> The first such anagram that leaps out at the
> discerning mind is "soubriquet" - a word that
> *means* a nickname or a fancy name, a pseudonym
> assumed as a disguise. Another such anagram of
> TurquoiseB is "quoti rebus" - the Latin phrase
> for "often appearing as a rebus" (a riddle made
> up of symbols). Thus Satan, in the form of Barry/
> TurquoiseB, gives us hints as to his true identity.
> If you still have doubts, a third anagram you can
> make from his handle TurquoiseB is "risque bout."
> What could better describe the depraved, low-vibe
> lifestyle that Barry leads, as Edg and others have
> exposed for us here on FFL?
> Now let's examine anagrams made up from the
> phrase "Barry Is Satan." We get "Brains Astray"
> and "A Brain Strays." The truth of this is obvious,
> yes?
> Finally, let's examine anagrams of the phrase
> "Satan in Sitges." When we do, we find embedded
> in that phrase: "Again Tests Sin," and "Nastiness
> Gait," and "Teasing Saints." Obvious, right?
> And if that weren't enough, here's the clincher:
> another anagram of "Satan In Sitges" is "Against
> Steins."
> I rest my case.
> The Conclusion
> The truth of the ancient religious and metaphysical
> saying "What you focus on you become" is not to be
> denied. Focus on Satan and you become possessed by
> Satan. Focus on him for 15 years and you become
> really, really, *really* possessed by Satan.
> Do not tempt fate. The more you focus on Satan, the
> more you become his minion. His evil consciousness
> overtakes and overshadows your own, and in time you
> find yourself acting more like Satan than Satan does.
> Don't fall for it. Focus your attention on someone
> else, someone whom you respect and whose qualities
> you admire. Focus on someone you actually *want*
> to become. Like Nabby.
>   []

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