--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Barry, That was a hoot! But all want to know is, does Barry 
> weigh as much as a duck?

Naaaah. Witches never figured out how to beat
that trick, but that´s why I´m the boss.

This rap literally came to me in a dream. I 
woke up laughing so hard that I just had to 
write it down. A few minutes with Google to 
find graphics, a few more with the Internet 
Anagram Server at: http://wordsmith.org/anagram/ 
and voilà.

It only took about 45 minutes over coffee at
the Wifi cafe across the street from my house.
And because my shift at La Debaucheteria 
deflowering young girls doesn't start until
10:00, I had a whole hour to sit there after
writing it and drool at women passing by. I
even tripped a few ugly old ladies, just for
the...uh...hell of it. A good morning, by 
Satan standards.  :-)

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > The Question
> > 
> > In recent weeks, there seems to have been an
> > upsurge on Fairfield Life of B.D.S. (Barry Derange-
> > ment Syndrome). We all know the symptoms:
> > obsession, one-pointed stalking, monotopicalism,
> > a tendency to call him names and blame him for
> > everything *wrong* with life, the universe, and
> > everything (with the possible exception of
> > global warming, but give the B.D.S. sufferers
> > time and I'm sure they'll get to that).
> > 
> > It's a veritable phenomenon. And although some
> > have speculated as to the *cause* of B.D.S.,
> > most of these speculations have been pretty
> > mundane and stuck in the <spit> relative. You
> > know...things like "He's a liar" or "He epitomizes
> > everything bad in the universe" or "He's just
> > an asshole."
> > 
> > While there may, in fact, be some truth to these
> > theories, their mundanity leads one to believe
> > that there is a simple physical cause for B.D.S.
> > This essay shall take a different tack and sug-
> > gest a more metaphysical reason for B.D.S., and
> > why the very presence of Barry seems to drive
> > some people to act for extended periods of time
> > (up to 15 years in the most severe cases) like
> > they were possessed by Satan.
> > 
> > We shall do this by posing the simple question
> > of WHY people react like this to Barry, and then
> > suggest an answer that may lead to deeper meta-
> > physical revelations about the true nature of
> > Barry Derangement Syndrome.
> > 
> > The Answer
> > 
> > No, not *that* answer -- "What if he's right?"
> > That's too easy, and tends to imply that B.D.S.
> > sufferers could be wuh...wuh...wuh...wuh...wrong.
> > Let's be  more highly evolved and respectful of
> > B.D.S. sufferers than that.
> > 
> > The Real Answer
> > 
> >   [Satan Inside] 
> > <http://customsoundandmore.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/31/product\
> > s_id/147>  What if Barry is really SATAN?
> > 
> > The Case For Barry Being Satan
> > 
> > Think about it. What IS the most likely explanation
> > of so many people running around acting as if they
> > were possessed by Satan?
> > 
> > Duh. That they're possessed by Satan.
> > 
> > Take the classic descriptions of Satan in the Bible
> > and in literature. He's fallen, right? Who could
> > *be* more fallen than Barry? Satan is described as
> > "One who challenges the religious faith of humans."
> > What's not a match about that?
> > 
> > Look at the book that Barry wrote, and its title,
> > Road Trip Mind <http://www.ramalila.net/RoadTripMind/index.html> . Look
> > at his frequent use of the
> > phrase, "I just want to walk the earth, like Caine
> > in Kung-Fu." In the Bible, when God asks him whence
> > he has come, Satan answers: "From wandering (mi'su)
> > the earth and walking on it." Another match.
> > 
> > Look at the photo Barry posted of himself on the
> > FFL photo page at:  http://tinyurl.com/qh2you
> > <http://tinyurl.com/qh2you>
> > Sure, he *says* that it was taken on top of the
> > cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and that those
> > guys with him are merely stone gargoyles. But
> > are they? Look at his beady eyes and the smile
> > that almost looks sincere. Is this Satan or what?
> > 
> > Numerical And Anagramatic Evidence
> > That Barry Is Satan
> > 
> > Finally -- as all metaphysical conspiracy theories
> > must eventually do -- we venture into the realms of
> > numerology and anagrams to prove our point.
> > 
> > A numerology breakdown, using the method proposed by
> > the great British Theosophist Wack O. Newage-Sewage
> > in his treatise "108 Ways To Prove Anything With
> > Numbers" shows that the name 'Barry' breaks down to
> > the number 666, the number of the beast in Revelations.
> > Duh.
> > 
> > And as for anagrams -- the reshifting of the letters
> > of a person's name and/or words associated with them
> > to find other words and phrases -- we need go no
> > further than the "handle" he writes under here on
> > Fairfield Life: "TurquoiseB."
> > 
> > The first such anagram that leaps out at the
> > discerning mind is "soubriquet" - a word that
> > *means* a nickname or a fancy name, a pseudonym
> > assumed as a disguise. Another such anagram of
> > TurquoiseB is "quoti rebus" - the Latin phrase
> > for "often appearing as a rebus" (a riddle made
> > up of symbols). Thus Satan, in the form of Barry/
> > TurquoiseB, gives us hints as to his true identity.
> > If you still have doubts, a third anagram you can
> > make from his handle TurquoiseB is "risque bout."
> > What could better describe the depraved, low-vibe
> > lifestyle that Barry leads, as Edg and others have
> > exposed for us here on FFL?
> > 
> > Now let's examine anagrams made up from the
> > phrase "Barry Is Satan." We get "Brains Astray"
> > and "A Brain Strays." The truth of this is obvious,
> > yes?
> > 
> > Finally, let's examine anagrams of the phrase
> > "Satan in Sitges." When we do, we find embedded
> > in that phrase: "Again Tests Sin," and "Nastiness
> > Gait," and "Teasing Saints." Obvious, right?
> > 
> > And if that weren't enough, here's the clincher:
> > another anagram of "Satan In Sitges" is "Against
> > Steins."
> > 
> > I rest my case.
> > 
> > The Conclusion
> > 
> > The truth of the ancient religious and metaphysical
> > saying "What you focus on you become" is not to be
> > denied. Focus on Satan and you become possessed by
> > Satan. Focus on him for 15 years and you become
> > really, really, *really* possessed by Satan.
> > 
> > Do not tempt fate. The more you focus on Satan, the
> > more you become his minion. His evil consciousness
> > overtakes and overshadows your own, and in time you
> > find yourself acting more like Satan than Satan does.
> > 
> > Don't fall for it. Focus your attention on someone
> > else, someone whom you respect and whose qualities
> > you admire. Focus on someone you actually *want*
> > to become. Like Nabby.
> > 
> > 
> >   [Satan.com]
> >

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