--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stan...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii_99@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hillary Lost Because of Bill Clinton.
> > 
> > Nonsense. Hillary lost because she was, to
> > quote the name of one of Jerry Garcia's bands,
> > "Old And In The Way."
> I think you're both wrong. The single, most significant difference between 
> Obama and Hillary is that Hillary blew off Iowa, while Obama came to 
> Fairfield, home of active practicing Meditators and heart of coherence for 
> the entire US, and gave a speech while facing east in an ever so auspicious 
> manner, thus garnering support of all the Laws of Nature.

Alex, I think you're on to something here. Hillary inspires the most amazing 
fantasies ever to emerge from an ass on FFLife and you have successfully, by 
dent of the your wit and wisdom, exposed the idiocy of Obama Kool Aid drinkers. 
I'll give everyone creativity points for making shit up and ignoring facts, but 
I prefer facts to fiction. I've run over this road in previous posts but, one 
more time to the learning impaired: 


The DNC fixed the delegate count in Obama's favor by stealing 4 Michigan 
delegates from Hillary and giving them to Obama even though he was never on the 
Michigan ballot. He blew off Michigan voters to pander to Iowa's first in 
nation status. Neither Obama or Edwards were on the Michigan ballot but they 
had surrogates encouraged their supporter to vote "uncommitted" for them.

Michigan had 128 pledged delegates available. Hillary won 73 delegates with 55 
uncommitted delegates remaining. Uncommitted delegates traditionally go to the 
national convention where Edwards and Obama would have had the opportunity to 
have those delegates vote for them at the convention. Instead the DNC gave all 
55 uncommitted delegates to Obama plus 4 from Hillary. Unprecedented. 

The DNC violated their own rules for a traditional role call vote at the Denver 
Convention by prohibiting secret ballots and circumventing the completion of 
the roll call vote. If the DNC had followed their own rules, Hillary might have 
won but the final tally shows that she would have lost by 4 delegate votes. 

"The DNC had a peculiar method of allocating delegates that favored Obama. The 
apportioning of delegates was not in direct proportion to the votes cast. 
Election districts that usually voted Democratic in general elections were 
awarded more delegates than districts that usually voted Republican in general 
elections. Since inner-city, mostly-black districts (which favored Obama) fit 
this criteria while suburban districts (which favored Hillary) did not, Obama 
was awarded a disproportionate share of delegates in state after state." 

Caucus fraud in not unprecedented but the Obama Campaign added a few 
embellishments. http://tinyurl.com/6yhyvm

The DNC never lifted a finger to speak out against sexist smears against 
Hillary. http://tinyurl.com/p4q7tt Instead in the middle of the primary they 
gave Obama a huge platform to make a nationally televised speech on race 
relations in America shortly after the Rev. Wright shit hit the fan and he had 
to do a serious CYA. Funny thing though, he ended up throwing Grandma under the 
bus and got more flack for that than for Rev. Wright. Who would have thunk it? 
Wright is old news and Grandma hits the headlines. http://tinyurl.com/r936da

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