On May 29, 2009, at 2:22 AM, cardemaister wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:

On May 28, 2009, at 6:21 PM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_reply@>


I think Maharishi has already defined TM as "the greatest blessing"
of the *eternal Religion* represented by the Vedas.

"It would be exact to say that all the religions from times
immemorial are just different branches of the main trunk of the
*eternal religion* represented by the Vedas". page four

"This is the greatest blessing of the Vedas, this system of
meditation is the greatest blessing of the Vedas". page five

That's pretty funny considering TM is tantric.

Oh well. It sounded impressive!

Isn't the basic principle of TM introduced by RSi Diirghatamas
in Rgveda I 164, 39 and 45?

R^i\`co a\`kShare\' para\`me vyoma\`n yasmi\'n de\`vaa adhi\` vishve \' niShe\`duH |\\ yas tan na veda\` kim R^i\`caa ka\'riShyati\` ya it tad vi\`dus ta i\`me sam aa\'sate || \EN{1}{164}{39} \\


ca\`tvaari\` vaak pari\'mitaa pa\`daani\` taani\' vidur braahma \`Naa ye ma\'nii\`ShiNaH\' |\\ *** guhaa\` triiNi\` nihi\'taa\` ne~Nga\'yanti *** tu\`riiyaM\' vaa\`co ma\'nu\`Shyaa vadanti || \EN{1}{164}{45} \\

ne~Nga\'yanti ->  na + in.gayanti (ing-gayanti)

Do you believe the goal of TM is to get you into the highest heaven where the Devas lie? Do you actually believe this idea of a highest heaven is the same as the unified field?

Personally, I find that a bit of a stretch.

I do believe devout Brahmins would try to say that it was some relation to meditation, but to me, that's really just post hoc revisionism. It sounds more to me like an Indian version of "Moses got the Ten Commandments from the burning bush on Mount Sinai".

What we're more likely seeing IMO is an attempt by the Brahmin overlords to connect tantric ideas to their scriptures through tricks of exegesis.

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