--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Randy
> Good to have someone else questioning Vaj's BS. 
> This guy postures himself here as an american natha-guru 
> and buddhist dzogchenpa. However, his simplistic identi-
> fication of Narayana (as the source of the tm puja) with 
> the vaishnava sampradaya shows an amazing ignorance. 

Not content with the "Robert, my direct memories 
of my awful past lives piss on your psychic's
recounting of your own awful past lives" posturing,
now emptybill trots out the olde standard "My 
spiritual dick is longer than Vaj's spiritual
dick because I've read more books of other people's
seeings, and better books at that" routine.

If it helps to make this future past life as awful 
as the last one in your future memories, Bill :-), 
I think what when you get into this stuff both of 
you come off like posturing dweebs caught in what 
seems to be an eternal game of oneupsmanship.

In other words, no matter what the content of a
dispute between the two of you, it always boils
down to "My spiritual dick is longer than your
spiritual dick." How boring. To his credit, Vaj
tends to recognize the nature of such contests and
exit from them quickly, before you can turn them 
into a meaningless Steinist 100-post exercise
in dick-measuring.

You both could be debating the relative merits 
and batting statistics of your preferred baseball
teams and it would be the same dick-size contest
and with the same vibe IMO. Not being a sports 
fan, I find such dick-size contests boring. Not
being given to measuring my own spiritual experi-
ence by how many books about *other people's 
spiritual experiences* I've read, I find your
pseudo-academic harrangues against Vaj equally

The only difference I will present between the two
of you is that Vaj occasionally presents some stuff
*for its benefit for the potential seeker* -- a
technique that might be of interest, a book or 
research project that some might find interesting,
etc. To date I do not remember ever having seen you 
do this on this forum. You seem limited *to* dick-
size contests and Vaj-demonization. Got any other
plays in your playbook?

In other words, Vaj seems to occasionally transcend
the "bash TM" thang and post some knowledge *just
for knowledge's sake*. I have never seen you do so.
You post stuff only to show your superiority to
someone you want to put down. Which do you think
reflects more highly on your respective spiritual
paths and backgrounds?

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