--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> Randy
> Good to have someone else questioning Vaj's BS. 
> This guy postures himself here as an american  natha-guru and buddhist 
> dzogchenpa. However, his simplistic identification of Narayana (as the source 
> of the tm puja) with the vaishnava sampradaya shows an amazing ignorance. 
> In reality this guy is just another american spiritual hack who makes error 
> after error in his claims. He has been on this forum for four or five years. 
> He is here because he wants to "critique" (read denigrate) maharishi's 
> accomplishments and maharishi's personality. 
> What he brings to the forum is a quite partial intellectual knowledge of 
> Buddhism, some nomenclature from Swami Rama's lineage, claims of initiation 
> into the Nath sampradaya and many other speculations he has generated from 
> his reading. 
> As you probably know Shankara instituted five form of deity worship, later 
> amplified into six: Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, Ganapati and Skanda. He 
> viewed and taught all as faces (identities) of Parameshvara Saguna Brahman. 
> What Vaj is saying is that sectarian Shaiva-s trace their lineage from Shiva 
> and sectarian Vaishnava trace their lineage from a form of Vishnu-Krishna. 
> Vaj is therefore claiming that those Dashanami lineages of Adi-Shankara who 
> view Narayana as the source-origin of their sampradaya must be Vaishnava by 
> definition.
> This is a gross blunder confirming him to be just another cheap hack.
> So if you are wondering -  "why he is here?
> He is here because: 
> 1.    FFL provides him with a large forum to display his ponderous claims to 
> esoterica.
> 2.    Most people here are not deeply conversant with other Asian meditative 
> traditions much less Western spiritual traditions. Thus he can present 
> himself as a pontiff. 
> His main problem is that there are a few people here on the forum having both 
> knowledge and experience in other meditative traditions. However, the 
> unfortunate reality is that they don't always have time to follow his many 
> threads and negative comments. If his employer only knew how much time he 
> spends on ffl each day they would probably fire him on the spot. 
> So, as a consequence, our good buddy Vajra-duta gets a free pass most of the 
> time. 
> Please join us if you can and keep this rabid skunk under some kind  of 
> control by questioning and examining his every claim and assertion. 
> Odious-vajra-duta had proved to not only to be rabid but also dishonest. We 
> need help maintaining some type of vigilance here. 


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