--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> All readers:  Please consider that the piece is once
> again presented to your minds, because it was mindfully
> sought for for just such a reason by the poster -- to
> present it to you. He put this again into your minds.
> Consider that the piece had to be "unholy ripped from
> its resting place," and by a vile intent has it been
> thus unearthed.  Consider that this creepy zombie
> piece is now enlivened by the poster's shakti with an
> intent to maraud this place of discourse with a
> purposeful besmirching of our atmosphere.  Consider
> that this text-zombie was puppeteered by the poster to
> deliver an energy of malevolence at two targeted 
> persons but equally delivered the energy to you other
> readers also.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Edg's response went over the edge.  He may have felt
> > goaded, but his post is ugly.

I've been pondering this tactic of Barry's with some
bemusement. Edg's correct that it was intended to
upset both Edg and me, but what leaves me scratching
my head is that at the time he wrote his comments on
my photo, Edg assumed they would wound me deeply; and
Barry figured the repost would rip the scab off the
wound. He's done his damndest to inflict such wounds
on me himself many times in the past.

Er, no, sorry, guys. I haven't been insecure about
my appearance since I was an adolescent. Even if I
thought Edg and Barry really did find my photo
repulsive, enough men (more than my share, in fact)
have found me attractive (and still do) that it
wouldn't bother me in the slightest that there were
exceptions. Chacun a son gout, and all that.

What's so interesting is that both Edg and Barry
are convinced that a woman's sense of self-worth is
heavily dependent on how men regard her looks. That
can only be because they themselves value women
based on their physical attractiveness.

I'm not a good test case, as it happens. If I were
genuinely unattractive, I might well be sensitive
about it. If I were psychologically insecure, I
might be sensitive about my looks even though I'm
not unattractive. But I'm neither unattractive nor
psychologically insecure, so all the energy that
Edg and Barry have put into trying to make me feel
bad about myself has actually only reflected badly
on them.

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