--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> , "BillyG." <wgm4u@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Sorry I have to ask, but has MMY ever addressed this issue 
> > > other than that one lecture in the early '70's?
> > >
> > > Or, is there another way to reach Cosmic Consciousness 
> > > without awakening kundalini?
> > >
> > > What is the tmorg's teaching on this subject? Anybody know? 
> > > Is the word 'chakra' forbidden in TM circles?
> > 
> > Yes, way back, before the sidhis were brought out, 
> > someone asked about this, saying they get these powerful 
> > energies up the spine and is it kundalini?... and Maharishi 
> > said something along the lines of, yes, but don't worry 
> > about it, it comes and it goes...
> Yet more TM ignorance parading as knowledge.
> Clearly the reason Maharishi never spoke of
> waking kundalini is that he had no earthly
> idea how to do it, or how to do it properly.
> Having studied in more rigorous spiritual
> traditions, I pass along the following infor-
> mation to seekers here, to supplement the
> rudimentary and insufficient "knowledge" you
> got from Maharishi.
> The problem is not with "waking kundalini,"
> but with HOW you wake it. Think of kundalini
> as you would a supermodel you were dating.
> Sure, she's hot, and sure, the sex is great,
> and being seen with her is even better. 
> But before that first morning cup of coffee,
> Boy! is she a grouch. Like Judy Stein on meth.
> So it is with kundalini. Like supermodels,
> kundalini thrives on coffee. *Good* coffee...
> none of that drip coffee or...perish the
> thought...that freeze-dried instant crap.
> No, kundalini wakens best to double shots of 
> golden-roasted Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee
> beans freshly ground to espresso consistency,
> and then carefully brewed using a machine 
> that produces sufficient pressure to *ease*
> the soma out of the freshly-ground beans and
> into your cup. Top with steamed milk straight
> from the holiest of cows and some pure white
> Maharishi-brand sugar, and kundalini is happy
> as Rama gettin' some from Sita after a long,
> forced separation.
> This is the esoteric secret of waking kundalini
> that lesser traditions do not teach you. The
> secret of successfully waking your kundalini
> is to -- when you first notice the stirrings
> of something that feels a little like a super-
> model gently caressing your shushumna in her
> sleep, nearing waking -- run don't walk to your
> espresso machine and brew her up something to
> waken properly TO.
> If you do, then -- just like the supermodels --
> kundalini will waken in a good mood, smile at
> you lovingly as you place the steaming cuppa
> soma in front of her, take a sip, and then
> gently continue on her way up your shushmna,
> arriving at the crown chakra in a good mood,
> and enabling a day full of enlightenment and
> celestial experiences. 
> Don't do this -- ignore the advice of older,
> wiser spiritual traditions and just plunge 
> into your day's activities without first 
> taking proper care of your kundalini bitch --
> and you risk the same sort of spiritual and
> physical disaster that you would risk by 
> offering to take Gisele Bündchen to dinner 
> at Burger King.
> Kundalini. Waking it is like dealing with a
> supermodel. Wake the supermodel with roses 
> and a hot cup of espresso and she's yours for 
> another day...or at least part of the day, 
> until she runs into someone richer or better
> looking or with a better espresso machine. But 
> wake her improperly and expect her to be her
> best without that first shot of cappucaffeine
> to get her going, and she'll yank your nookie
> privileges faster than MUM administrators will 
> yank your dome badge for admitting to seeing 
> a competing saint. 
> In short, treat your kundalini well and it will
> treat you well. Treat it without proper respect,
> or proper caffeine, and it'll treat you like
> its bitch instead of pretending to be yours.

Too bad, I though you really had something thoughtful to say on the subject, I 
respect that you've been around a lot...and not just in bars.  :-)

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