On Jun 3, 2009, at 5:47 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

> It is claimed that MMY gave shaktipat when he first started out.  I've
> said many times that traditionally the guru has to wait until the
> disciple's shakti "battery" is charged up enough to give shaktipat.
> You need "excess" shakti to give it.  IOW, I wonder if some of these
> teachers that so freely teach it to about anyone (for a few thou) wind
> up with students who deplete their shakti quickly.   Now if MMY would
> have waited for that there would have probably been about 50-100 TM
> teachers at most (7 though would have done). ;-)

That has been said about Muktananda. Eventually what happened to  
Muktananda was he was relying on Hindu alchemists who were experts in  
preparing alchemical mercury and various Ayurvedic products to keep  
his shakti "up". Eventually he started doing vajroli mudra on young  
women. When the coroner came into his Catskills ashram they found  
gynecological stirrups....

> I would say the TM does awaken shakti but slowly.  I think I've heard
> comments on that.  I can't say from experience because the first  
> time I
> ever tried meditation, out of a book, and a good 3 years before I
> learned TM, kundalini rose.  And though it was a good experience  
> coming
> down from it was not.  Why that happened I don't know.   
> Theoretically I
> should have experienced a little buzz or next to nothing at all.

Well of course if we can believe traditional Hindu lore, if it was  
awake before, it will be awake in future lives. I like to call it  
'refamiliarizing oneself'.

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